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 Post subject: Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!
Posted: Jan 6th, '18, 02:01    


Joined: Jun 27th, '10, 20:26
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Website: http://www.rhiannondaverc.co.uk
Location: England
Oh yes haha, well, there's no pattern! I wanted to get one with a nice floral pattern but they were all too expensive haha. At least, too expensive knowing I'm likely to make mistakes as I learn XD

I bought this one printed so that's why it didn't occur to me. When I see patterns in shops there's something about them I can't resist :mclove: I usually get put off by the price but I found this one little shop in Canterbury, where we visit often, that has them at a low price. Result = too many patterns given that I haven't started any except this one yet XD

Oh, sure! I guess it's a good way to keep track of what everyone is up to and then we can nudge each other if we're slow at finishing something haha.

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 Post subject: Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!
Posted: Jan 6th, '18, 16:09    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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Yeah, that's a good decision to go with something not overly expensive for a first project, I think. Printed fabrics can also sometimes be a little more complicated. The pattern for the skirt I made was like "okay, if you have unicolour fabric or just dots, you can cut this in one piece, if you have a pattern on your fabric with a direction, you need to do more pieces and these additional steps to sew them together" - and I was like "lol, nope, I like polka dots, I'm gonna buy me a dotted fabric" :D

Aha, yeah, then it probably wouldn't occur to me either. I mostly buy my patterns online, since our local yarn store doesn't have a lot of patterns. I also like that I have the patterns digitally and could theoretically print them again if I cut something out wrong, that makes me less nervous :D
Do you cut out the pattern directly or do you trace it on other paper first to keep all the sizes intact on the original? I never really know what to do with the few paper patterns I have (bought some magazines with patterns included once), so I haven't used any of them yet.

Nudging is definitely a good idea sometimes! :D Which reminds me, I still have a project listed under the current projects that I scrapped, because I used the fabric for something else...

But hey, I can show what I ended up doing with it! It's a gym bag, because I got a locker at uni this semester and I found I wanted to store some sports clothing there and it would be really handy to have a bag, so I just used most of my leftover panda fabric to make it:
Link to picture

I think that was a good decision, since now I have a really cute bag instead of a skirt that might have ended up a bit too colourful and extravagant.

*scurries off to update the front page*

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 Post subject: Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!
Posted: Jan 6th, '18, 17:42    


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Oh, that's really cute! It looks "real" if you know what I mean, like store-bought. The panda fabric definitely works for that.

I cut it out around all of the sizes if that makes sense, so I have everything still on the pattern. Then I folded it very carefully along the lines for the size I needed. So now if I need a bigger or smaller size I can just refold it on the right lines. Not that I probably will need other sizes XD I was thinking about maybe making clothes to sell but it's taken me so long because my sewing machine broke right when I was doing the first slipstitching. After doing all the cutting and everything, I'm not sure if it will be worth it to sell them at prices people would pay versus the amount of work it takes. So I'll probably just make things for myself to wear.

Yeah I was a bit worried about that as well. But I think I can probably come up with something to use the printed fabric for when I can afford it later. Like maybe on this pattern I'm using now I could do contrast panels, or use the printed one for the belt.

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 Post subject: Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!
Posted: Jan 6th, '18, 18:44    


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Thanks :) Yeah, I know what you mean :) I was really happy with how it turned out.

That makes a lot of sense and sounds like a clever solution! I'm just wondering how well the folding works if you have curved edges? But maybe it would still work.
Yeah, I think selling handmade clothes is probably hard. They'd need to be something pretty extraordinary to make people pay a sensible amount for them, since we're so used to really cheap prices for clothing items in the stores.
But I think it's nice to just make things for oneself, stores never have exactly what I want. Sensible pockets in my skirts. Non-seethrough white shirts. Why is this so difficult?

I think it really depends on the item you make if the pattern complicates things. For circle skirts it does a bit, but if you have a more rectangular cut it probably doesn't at all. But contrasting panels or a contrasting belt sound pretty in any case!

I just cut out the pattern pieces for my carmen top and read through the instructions. I'm a bit disappointed, considering the site said "appropriate for beginners" for this pattern, they could have included a little more detailed instructions for my taste. For example, a bit of guidance on how to best lay out the pieces on the fabric, the last pattern I used had a nice overview picture for that. This one just goes "first, this seam, then this other seam, then attach the sleeves" and so on... I mean, I get it, it's not an overly complicated design, but if it is the first time you do a top at all (like me), some hints on how to best join the sleeves to the rest would be nice? I think I'm gonna look for some youtube videos doing tops to figure that part out, I imagine that won't be terribly dependent on the exact pattern.

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 Post subject: Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!
Posted: Jan 6th, '18, 19:13    


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Oh yeah I haven't come across a curved edge yet. I think it would be hard to fold those. But maybe I could manage to keep it cut out, and then use a light box to trace onto the fabric from the back?

Definitely, maybe I could embellish them but then that's going to just add to the price. I saw someone who was selling a beautiful fully embellished dress for hundreds of dollars. I think they sold it but it's a lot of money XD It was really gorgeous though, I often see things from other makers I would love to buy.

True, true. I need to learn all this still XD I'll find out later when I start using patterned fabric and probably get it wrong a few times first.

Ooh yeah some help would be nice. I just bought some books that I'm waiting for, which explain some techniques for embroidery in full so I can understand other things I've seen better. I have a whole huge book full of how to make different clothes but I need to get the basics down first before the terms will make sense XD

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 Post subject: Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!
Posted: Jan 6th, '18, 19:26    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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Yeah, maybe. You'll probably be able to work something out when you need to. Sometimes I feel like I overthink things beforehand and once I actually have the stuff in my hands and do them everything that seemed complicated just starts falling into place and makes perfect sense.

Oh yeah, that would probably be very pretty, but yeah, the prices might put a lot of people off. Not even because they wouldn't want to pay you that much, but because they simply can't afford to spend that kind of money on clothes.

Oh yes, getting down the basics seems like the difficult part to me as well! I come across some terms I haven't heard (or I have heard, but still don't know what the stuff is about) a lot. I really should get me some good introductory book to sewing as well. I've been learning mostly off youtube and blogs so far.
I really like this channel, because she has some short videos about really basic questions and techniques and even better, she does all of them in german and english, so they're really helpful for figuring out how the things I read or hear about in either language match up :)
I was just watching her video about how to use bias tape, because it's also something I've never done that the top instructions expect me to know about.

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 Post subject: Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!
Posted: Jan 7th, '18, 01:30    


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Ooh, I'll have to save that channel for later. I love it when I can get someone showing me stuff XD

For some of the embroidery techniques I use, I had seen them used on Instagram and Pinterest but no idea how to do them. But one by one I found videos where makers had been recording their techniques so I could copy them haha. Even now I watch sewing videos whenever I come across them just in case I learn something new XD

I got some free tutorials on Craftsy too. It's a bit on the expensive side when you don't know how good the instructors are going to be, but I signed up to it for one thing that was free and every now and then they send me free codes to watch more so I keep going back.

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 Post subject: Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!
Posted: Jan 7th, '18, 20:00    


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Me too :) Sometimes it's just a lot easier to understand things if somebody shows them directly compared to a lengthy text explanation you might find as well.

Oh, it's nice of these makers to record and share their techniques!

I've never heard of craftsy before, I should look into it! Do you find the quality of the instructions varies a lot between different instructors on there?

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 Post subject: Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!
Posted: Jan 8th, '18, 23:58    


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Some of the instructors are quite old fashioned and some are more modern. But I haven't seen a difference in quality so far, seems like they all know what they are doing!

I love those videos, I can watch them all day. I tried to record my own but I can't seem to get it so the phone camera is positioned nicely and I can also sew comfortably XD

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 Post subject: Re: Chrizi's Crafty Corner - come chat!
Posted: Jan 9th, '18, 13:41    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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That sounds good :)

I found another very nice channel when looking for tutorials on sleeves. They also have one with french seams and it doesn't even look terribly complicated. I think I'll try to do the top with french seams, I think that would be very nice with this fabric. Hope I won't regret this :D

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Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

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