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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 6th, '18, 08:41    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
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Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Phantom wagged a finger. "Ah ah ah! That is a trade secret, my dear. You just leave everything to me, and I'll get you what you want." He scolded teasingly. "It's in your best interest not to ask questions. 'Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies' as they say. I wouldn't want to have to lie to you, and I certainly wouldn't want to have to punish you for looking too closely where you're not welcome to look."

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 6th, '18, 08:48    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1954
Angeline smiled entertained as Phantom scolded her. She stood up, leaning forward a bit and placing both hands on the desk. "Be careful who you threaten to punish there, darling~ I'm quite the masochist~" She had a small country accent, not too heavy, but just apparently soft enough she sounded like a southern bell. "Now, do you drink coffee or is normal human food gross to you? I know a great coffee place near by, and I could always offer my new manager a coffee in celebration of our arrangement~"

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 6th, '18, 09:20    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
Hugs: 23537
Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Phantom raised an eyebrow, smirking. "A masochist, interesting." He stood up gracefully, meeting her gaze. "Actually I quite enjoy coffee. Human food in general is pretty good, but coffee is the single greatest thing any mortal has ever invented. Let's go."

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 6th, '18, 09:26    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1954
Angeline grinned and stood up, picking up her purse and turned towards the door. "Sure thing, shall we~?" She walked with this demon out of his building. She wore heels that clicked against the pavement of the sidewalk, walking next to Phantom. She decided to start small talk. "So you like human food eh? Tell me, what else do you like?" She wanted to learn more about this man, maybe even become friends with this demon. She didn't really have friends all that much, especially around this age of her life where she was discovering herself and who was her real friends. Answer? None.

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 6th, '18, 10:00    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
Hugs: 23537
Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Phantom snapped his fingers as they left the office, magically locking the door. He walked easily alongside her, moving with a strange, almost unearthly grace. "If you must know, I enjoy music, and books. I am interested in history- the real history that humans don't teach. Lore and legend. Artifacts and ancient secrets." He spoke calmly, putting on a show as always. "I also tend to enjoy theater. I have a flair for the dramatic. and what about you? What do you like?"

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 03:31    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1954
Angeline smiled as she listened to him, as if he was just another human to her, but she knew better. "Well, would you believe me if I liked a bit of what you just listed? The real history, the stuff you have to dig real deep to find, the history people choose to forget and call stories and legends." She folded her arms behind her back smiling. "I love music, I have since I was young. It was to the point where I taught myself piano for a little while, but I haven't played in years. I'm a sucker for night time though, especially when the moon is out and the stars are scattering across the sky." She seemed so passionate as she spoke, true colorful emotions in her eyes.

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 04:57    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
Hugs: 23537
Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Phantom's first instinct while Angeline spoke was to tune her out, but found for some reason that he was actually listening to her. Her passion when she talked about what she loved was intriguing. "It's fascinating how humans are so enamored with the night sky. Though I will admit, it's something many demons admire as well. Of course, we have a compelling reason for it, but that's beside the point." He shrugged. "And you said you play piano? Quite admirable. I play several instruments, myself, piano being one of them. Perhaps we should sharpen your skill to add it to your resume."

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 05:49    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1954
"That would be honestly really cool. I haven't played in so long, but I used to love it. I would also be very interested in listening to you play~ I mean, hate to be cheesy, but I bet you would be one HELL of a pianist~" She smiled and giggled, walking with him to the coffee shop. It was a coffee and book shop, the area having good music and a calm atmosphere. She enjoyed this place very much. "This is by far my favorite place." She walked with him over to the counter and smiled with the waitress, ordering her drink and then turning to Phantom. "What would you like?" She smiled calmly at Phantom, not noticing a male barista staring fondly at Angeline.

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 07:27    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
Hugs: 23537
Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Phantom groaned at the pun. "I sincerely hope that's not the best you can come up with." He said as they entered the shop. He liked the place instantly, all the books putting him at ease. It seemed like a good place to scout out potential clients. Up at the counter, he narrowed his eyes at the barista, not liking the way he was staring at his client. "Plain black coffee." He told the waitress dismissively, moving closer to Angeline in a possessive manner.

(0) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 07:37    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1954
"It was a horrible joke I know~" While ordering Angeline noticed Phantom's shift in character. She glanced slightly over to him, blinking as he seemed annoyed with something. "Alright, the total is 9.37." Angeline paid for it, telling them which table they would be sitting at, and the going over to her table. "Is something the matter?" She asked Phantom softly. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I noticed a shift in your personality back there. Did someone do something irritating or something?" She hadn't noticed the barista's look before, as she was more focused on the cashier lady and Phantom.

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