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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 09:40    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
Hugs: 23535
Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Phantom pulled his arm away sharply, angry that anyone was able to read him so easily. "Do not pretend like you understand me. You read the expressions of mortals, but I am not mortal. Get this straight right now: we are not friends. You are my client, and that is where our relationship ends. I don't know what you think you're going to get from me, but companionship isn't it."

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 09:51    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1952
Angeline physically flinched when he pulled from her and lashed out verbally. She let him speak, biting her lip as she listened to his words. She nodded and took a drink of her coffee, her happy nature dropping like gravity. "I was just trying to be nice. You know you don't have to attack everyone that wants to genuinely get to know you." She forced a smile on her face, but her eyes showed pain. She's lost all of her friends this way, she did it again. Putting a tip on the table she chugged her coffee down like it was nothing. "I'll see you later Phantom, sorry to bother you." Her voice sounded broken. She walked out of the coffee shop by herself, physically hurting inside. Even if he didn't mean it, he hurt her. It was the worst kind of hurt he could do to her.

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 10:06    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
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Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Phantom flinched as if she'd slapped him, his rage melting away to be quickly replaced by guilt and confusion. She couldn't have actually been trying to be nice to him... could she? He watched her walk away and felt the rage return, this time at himself. He'd hurt her. He'd broken his own contract, and now her soul was out of his reach. At least, that's why he told himself he was upset. His eyes went black as he turned his anger on the only target he could find- the barista. It was his fault this had happened. And he was going to pay.

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 10:16    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1952
Angeline walked home, feeling it was her fault. She sniffled and wiped her eyes. This was why she lost all of her friends, because she was horrible at this kind of thing. She went home, finding herself in comfortable clothes and sitting on her couch, wrapped in a blanket and a large poisonous snake chilling on her lap. She felt like she just broke up with her significant other, her chest hurt. Even her favorite comedy movies and her companion the snake didn't make her feel better. She sighed softly, wiping her eyes again.

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 10:23    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
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Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Several hours later, as dusk was falling, there was a knock at her door. Phantom stood there, covered in blood, looking more awkward than he probably ever had. In his hand was a clump of flowers that he had clearly taken from someone's garden. Even he didn't fully understand why he was there- he'd lost the contract, it wasn't like he had any chance of getting it back. But still he felt the need to apologize.

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 10:30    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1952
Angeline heard the knock and glanced over, not entirely sure who could be at her door. Archie slithered off of her and went into his hiding spot. Angeline sighed as she got up, in a black tank top and shorts. She answered the door, and made eye contact with him. Her eyes widened, standing there completely shocked and confused as she analyzed the situation. She looked at the blood covered demon, obviously feeling awkward as he gripped rather tightly to a patch of flowers. She stared at him for a good minute, and stopped him from talking. She cut him off by hugging him, not even caring that this mysterious blood was now coating her pale skin. She hugged him for a good minute, before pulling away and looking up at him. Her chest was covered in this blood. "Please, come in." She invited him inside, leading him in and looking to the flowers with a soft smile. He tried. He actually tried.

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 8th, '18, 06:55    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
Hugs: 23535
Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
To say that Phantom was surprised by the hug was something of an understatement. He hadn't expected that kind of reaction in the first place, and even less so seeing as he was covered in blood. Didn't humans not like blood? He followed her inside silently, trying to figure out why she was smiling like that- and why it made him feel strange inside. "I wanted to... apologize..." It was obvious just saying that much was difficult for him. A sincere apology wasn't something he ever gave out. He cleared his throat, not looking at her. "I should not have snapped at you like I did. I was... upset... that you were able to read me... I pride myself on keeping a professional air. No one reads me. But that is no excuse for my behavior."

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 8th, '18, 07:01    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1952
Angeline turned to him and let him apologize, smiling softly and crossing her arms. She let him finish this time, still smiling as she thought about his words. "Phantom, you know what I really like? I like when someone can accept that they make mistakes, and even if it is against their pride or image, they can apologize and realize their mistakes. You are doing that right now. You're trying, actually making an effort to apologize, when in all honesty you could've just disappeared and never saw me again. Yet here you are." She gently took the flowers from his hands, smiling softly. "You may be this business man based demon, but you're better than most humans I've met. Thank you for apologizing, I accept it, and I forgive you." She leaned up and kissed his cheek, her lips soft against his bloodied cheek.

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 8th, '18, 09:10    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
Hugs: 23535
Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Phantom went rigid, eyes wide as he tried to process the unfamiliar feelings currently raging in his chest. It felt warm. Not hot, like rage, but a soft, pleasant warmth. Luckily for him, the blood on his face covered his blush. "I- you- w-what was that... thing you just did? With your mouth on my face? Is that some sort of ritual?"

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 8th, '18, 09:15    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1952
Angeline cracked a smile, giggling as she covered her mouth. This demon was so cute she couldn't help it. She shook her head laughing. "No, it's not a ritual. Have you never been kissed before?" She giggled, setting the flowers on the table. "That's really hard to believe, a handsome demon such as yourself, never kissed?" She took his face with both of her hands, looking him in the eyes and smiling softly. "Here, this is what a kiss is supposed to be like." She leaned up, gently placing her lips to his, taking the initiative so he could just learn.

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