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 Post subject: Re: With Strength and Dead-ication. [PastelWitch & Eruvandir
Posted: Jul 10th, '18, 15:06    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
Posts: 10825
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Cain was silent, his attention directed at the pet store they just left and gave it a wary glance before nudging Alice to move away from the shop. "My base was … overtaken earlier today." He answered curtly as he scanned the area around them before settling on his new companion. His heterochromatic eyes studied her, trying to find out how fast her reaction time was. He'd only gotten his hand near the clip on his bow when she'd managed to launch herself towards him. His eyes moved towards the bat she had brandished earlier in the shop and found himself wondering how many zombies (or even humans) had fallen under it.

"I know of a place but it's a ways off from here. We'll have to cross town just to reach it. We can try moving stealthily towards the area but that would take most of half the day, that is, if we don't encounter anything too … troublesome." He looked around them once more before his eyes settled on the giant flaming ball of gas in the sky that was slowly descending towards the horizon. "Or we can find some random house and do what we can with it."

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 Post subject: Re: With Strength and Dead-ication. [PastelWitch & Eruvandir
Posted: Jul 15th, '18, 17:46    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Alice sighed, neither of Cain's proposal's were ideal but what would be in this situation. She weighed up her options; considering the time it would be dark when they reached he safe-house which meant more undead activity - it would be dangerous and risky. Finding a random house wouldn't be hard, but finding one with enough security would be. The city was still a hot spot for zombies; they'd be everywhere.

"I say we try and find a place here and then move out in the morning. It'll be safer... I think" She dug around her bag for a small book that expanded into a map - since the decline of humanity things like GPS and cell signal had completely diminished; so she had to go back to paper. "There's a road not too far from here that's filled with townhouses." she said. Town houses were often the safest considering they only had one entrance.

"Follow me" she placed the map back in her bag and carried the bat with her. They walked a little ways in silence, it didn't feel uncomfortable.

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wild knuffel vote

 Post subject: Re: With Strength and Dead-ication. [PastelWitch & Eruvandir
Posted: Jul 17th, '18, 11:07    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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Cain followed after Alice as he surveyed their surroundings as they moved. He sniped at a straggler that was moving too close to where they would be passing and watched it fall to the ground with a soft thud. No other zombies were near and he nodded to himself as he breathed a small sigh of relief. Encountering more zombies at this time of day was not something he wanted to try again.

He had never ventured towards this area of the city before as he never had the need to. The houses in his old neighborhood had enough food to last him five weeks after the apocalypse and had been looting them one by one right until a band of punks in their twenties ransacked the whole area. He then decided to leave his old house for his next base which was then overrun just earlier that day. He was just glad that he had the mind to hide some of the rations he found inside the neighbor's houses.

He looked at the town houses lined in front of them, all similar with very few differences between them. The street was empty aside from the occasional car and corpse and most of the houses had their doors wide open. People had already gone through the neighborhood and took what they can. He neared one of the houses and noticed that the latch on the door knob had been broken off. Someone forced themselves inside. He pressed himself against the door frame and peered inside. The cabinets he could spot were empty and the walls were bare save for the faint markings of picture frames that once hung upon them. The sofa was covered with white cloth and the foot prints on the dusty floor showed that whoever came in had already left.

Cain turned to Julia and gestured towards the house. "What do you think about this place?"

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 Post subject: Re: With Strength and Dead-ication. [PastelWitch & Eruvandir
Posted: Jul 18th, '18, 01:05    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Alice was glad that she partnered up with someone who could take out the zombies from long range; Cain was incredibly good at it as well. She found herself looking at him through sideways glances, he's not bad looking either. She threw her head back to the front and tried to focus on finding a safe place to stay, ignoring the slight burn in her cheeks. Cain took an interest in one of the more barricaded houses and began to search the premises.

"Hmm, not bad but there's one major issue..." she said pointing towards the back entrance of the house which had all of it's windows and door smashed in. "Although the garden is closed off it's too much like an open invite. The one next door to this looks good though." she said hopping over the 6ft fence with ease and agility. The next house was very similar and still had a few broken windows, but they were far less damaged. She sniffed the air in an animalistic way; "Plus this one smells like dust and rats which, ironically, is good for us"

Alice pushed the broken door open, unsettling heaps of dust and moth balls. A few cockroaches scattered and a moth flew past her face. She and Cain scoped the place out, happy to find a deadbolt still in working order on the front door. "Hey, come help me move some of this furniture" she asked while heaving a bookcase to block the front window.

Once their main goal, safety, was sorted, she headed up the stairs to try and source something useful. All the bedroom were neat and tidy, like the whole family had just gone on holiday. The bathroom held more medication and bandages and one of the children rooms held a stash of hard candies. She took them all. "Find anything useful?" she asked, wondering where they should sleep.

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wild knuffel vote

 Post subject: Re: With Strength and Dead-ication. [PastelWitch & Eruvandir
Posted: Jul 18th, '18, 13:10    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
Posts: 10825
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Cain was a little more than just slightly taken aback when Alice managed to launch herself over the six foot fence and simply stood where he was for a few seconds with an incredulous look on his face. He walked around the fence, slightly miffed that he knew he couldn't jump as high as she did and arrived beside just in time for her to tell him that the house apparently smelled like dust and rats. His eyebrows scrunched together at the thought of living with what could possibly by a colony of rats before following Alice through the door.

He glared at the cockroaches with the resolve to shoot at them if they dared come near him and reluctantly pulled his gaze away to help Alice with the bookcase. He then quickly followed after her, side stepping the cockroaches and nests with an irrefutable grace and headed for the rooms at the end of the hall. He was pleased to find an office with a bag of pristine gold clubs resting on the far wall. He moved to the next room and found nothing useful. It was filled with stuffed toys and plastic tea sets.

"I found these. Thought you might want to use them." Cain replied when she asked him if he found anything. He showed her the golf bag and its contents. "It looks like the rooms are … cleaner than the floor below." He turned his head to look outside the window and squinted his eyes at the glaring rays of the setting sun. The orange light stabbed into his pupils and he had no choice but to raise a hand to shield his eyes from it. "It's going to be night time soon. I've got some canned food with me. Do you feel like having dinner?"

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 Post subject: Re: With Strength and Dead-ication. [PastelWitch & Eruvandir
Posted: Jul 21st, '18, 20:02    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Location: Between Realms
Alice accepted the golf clubs and inspected them with care; they were good for one hit but the metal would probably bend pretty easily. Still - they were decently made and good for an emergency. She took the biggest ones and pushed them into her already heavy bag, not caring that they so obviously stuck out at the top. When Cain mentioned food Alice felt her empty stomach protest; she had forgotten the whole reason she was wondering the streets to begin with was for food. "Sure" she said, and opted for sitting cross-legged on the double bed that had the least amount of dust on it; she flipped the covers first however, just in case.

Canned food was never Alice's favourite; she always loved the fresh taste of vegetables. Still; Alice knew better than to complain as she took what Cain offered with gratitude. "Thanks" she said quietly. Alice wasn't used to company and as she ate she wondered if she should attempt some small talk. IT had been a long time however, and Alice felt her social awkwardness and anxiety creep up, an all too familiar feeling. She flicked her eyes to Cain several times while they ate; an on-going battle in her own head as she debated on what to say.

"I'm pretty sure I saw an attic while exploring the house..." she said, cursing herself for talking about survival rather than something normal. "It would be good if we slept up there." she added, trying her best not too look too embarrassed about her own ineptitude at social interactions. Cain was the first person who hadn't immediately treated her like some kind of 'damsel in distress' since the outbreak happened. Alice was trained stronger than most men and it irked her when they tried to protect her. That put Cain on a pedestal in terms of friendship, he was already someone Alice felt she could hang around with.

Which was saying something.

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wild knuffel vote

 Post subject: Re: With Strength and Dead-ication. [PastelWitch & Eruvandir
Posted: Jul 24th, '18, 10:09    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
Posts: 10825
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Cain looked around the room as he held his dinner in his hands before deciding to set beside Alice on the bed. He nodded his head as a reply to her 'thanks' as he focused on the can, aware of the glances she sent his way. Was she watching him, still wary of him? Was she waiting for him to lower his defenses before attacking? Was she curious about him? Was she- was she checking him out? His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to keep the blush from rising to his cheeks, already feeling the redness of the tips of his ears. He silently cursed his pale skin as he looked away, embarrassed of his sudden thoughts.

He was brought out of his musings when she spoke, telling him about the attic. He did faintly recall seeing an indentation in the ceiling of the hallway and gave another nod as he put his empty can on a table. He walked out to the hallway to look at it and frowned once again when he saw a key hole. "It's locked." he spoke before making his way to the office. Rummaging through the drawers, he found three sets of keys and proceeded to try them on the lock as he stood on a stool.

Cain froze when he heard a soft click as the latch on the lock moved and he felt the weight of the attic door on his palm. It opened to show a built-in ladder that extended towards the floor. He turned to Alice and took one of the clubs before ascending into the attic. It was empty, save for the two cabinets that stood by the walls and the pile of rugs at the corner, and more importantly, it was clean. He sighed in relief when he found no trace of the pests that invaded the floor below. "We can move the beds up here."

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