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 Post subject: Re: *Private* Tripping the Light Fantastic
Posted: Oct 26th, '18, 20:01    


Joined: Aug 18th, '14, 04:23
Posts: 669
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Website: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1701656/LordofDorkness
Location: The Land of Sky Blue Waters
Reply faster and I won't double post. Hmm?

I started rereading the MCP. Sort of want to do that instead. Making characters is hard.
Not sure how much time I can commit to PlaNoWriMo before NaNoWriMo must take its place. Life finds a way. In this case, to obstruct my plans.
Tell me about it? Or someone else? The best way to find holes in your setting is to show it to other people and let them poke until something breaks. So yes, tell me about it and let me destroy it.

Unsure. They described it as a limited time quest, but they didn't say it would go away.

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 Post subject: Re: *Private* Tripping the Light Fantastic
Posted: Oct 30th, '18, 03:03    


Joined: Aug 14th, '14, 17:29
Posts: 559
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Mood: Nonplussed
Sure!!! It's a race now!!! I will assuredly find more time and energy to respond with the threat of double-posts hanging over my head!!!

Do it. I want the MCP so bad. I also want your angry and timely Fate story, but I'm kind of invested in MCP at this point.
Things are going very badly in my PlaNoWriMo.
Me: I should plan my new NaNo.
My brain: You... want to write Discworld fanfiction?
Me: No, I should really be planning this other thing--
My brain: If you don't write fanfiction today you will surely die!
It's bad, Merch. It's so bad. I'm going to have nothing (except maybe a couple pages of fanfiction) when I start in three days.

The Celebi one didn't go away. I think we're fine. How much do you need Spiritomb, anyway?

I tried to make a fancy little cake. Not even that fancy. It had a ganache frosting with a spiderweb design on top. It was not good. Chocolate covered four different bowls and 3/4 of my countertop and not very much of the cake. My spiderweb oozed down the sides. I ended up smearing frosting on with my hands. It turns out I am not one of the Great British Bakers.

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 Post subject: Re: *Private* Tripping the Light Fantastic
Posted: Oct 30th, '18, 04:38    


Joined: Aug 18th, '14, 04:23
Posts: 669
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Website: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1701656/LordofDorkness
Location: The Land of Sky Blue Waters
Good. Correct behavior is rewarded.

It's so hard to jump back in! The tone will be different! And I need plot! Plotting takes time!
At least you'll have fanfiction. I'll have some graded papers about endophytes, and another pile of ungraded papers about endophytes, and a leg that oozes brown goo, and a half-finished MCP that intimidates me into inaction.

I absolutely need Spiritomb. What is it?

None of us is one of the Great British Bakers. Pro tip, gotta be British. Did it at least taste good?

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 Post subject: Re: *Private* Tripping the Light Fantastic
Posted: Oct 30th, '18, 23:18    


Joined: Aug 14th, '14, 17:29
Posts: 559
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Mood: Nonplussed
My writing tone changes every time I sneeze. So what? I feel like your writing style is pretty consistent across different stories (the ones you show me, anyway). Jump back in! Gopher it! I thought you already had it plotted?
I would have more fanfiction if I produced fewer graded papers about CRISPR. Needy students are needy sometimes. The brown goo leg is your own fault. Send goo pics?

Spiritomb is a brick with a ghost in it. Very valuable.

It tastes excessively sweet. I thought that the fairly bitter ganache would balance out the sweetness of the marshmallow filling between the two layers, but it did not. The cake overall has the approximate sugar content of sugar. It's enjoyable to eat in 1cm^3 portions. I will never finish it before it goes stale and can't share it with anyone because I know for a fact that when things started to go pear-shaped in its construction my food hygiene practices went out the window.

The link to watch your concert didn't work. Admittedly, I was late to clicking on it, but it should have still let me in. Shouldn't it?

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 Post subject: Re: *Private* Tripping the Light Fantastic
Posted: Oct 30th, '18, 23:23    


Joined: Aug 18th, '14, 04:23
Posts: 669
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Website: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1701656/LordofDorkness
Location: The Land of Sky Blue Waters
Working on it. I'm trying to backwards outline what I already have so it's easier to review.
I mostly ran out of plot. The rest is very sketchy.
Ew. Why CRISPR? I went to a seminar about the ecological function of CRISPR, though, and that was pretty cool.
No goo yet. Just ink. No can do.


Nothing can defeat marshmallow fluff! You made one of the classic blunders. Maybe you could get some strawberries to eat with it? They aren't very sweet right now.

Sad. I thought it would work. Professor McCann said there would be livestreaming. She has betrayed us.

How's your plotting/worldbuilding going?

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 Post subject: Re: *Private* Tripping the Light Fantastic
Posted: Nov 2nd, '18, 19:04    


Joined: Aug 14th, '14, 17:29
Posts: 559
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Mood: Nonplussed
Ran out of plot? All those hanging plot threads from the first part would like to have some stern words with you. Anyway, all you need are one-off gags to really keep yourself going, right?
Intro bio likes to be CUTTING EDGE and RELEVANT. I think CRISPR is pretty fun and funky fresh as DNA technologies go. Hearing about it brings out my mad scientist tendencies. My students wanted to talk about ethical issues and I was all "...?"
Goo update?

The marshmallow fluff has strength I never anticipated. I do have strawberries, although I'm bad at buying those and bad at eating them, so they've probably all gone squashy. There is so much cake. It was a cake mistake.

I have no plot! I have no world! I sat down to write yesterday and accidentally produced exactly 1667 words, and that made me feel like a wizard, but they were 1667 words of nothing. The only thing I've established is that my main character is much angrier than I thought she would be.
Did you NaNo the WriMo? How did it go?

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 Post subject: Re: *Private* Tripping the Light Fantastic
Posted: Nov 2nd, '18, 19:16    


Joined: Aug 18th, '14, 04:23
Posts: 669
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Website: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1701656/LordofDorkness
Location: The Land of Sky Blue Waters
Yeah. No more plot. I prefer to leave things open-ended, for the reader's interpretation. The gag well has also run dry.
Research on the ecology of CRISPR is cutting edge. It's been ignored in favor of biotech applications. If you want to talk mad scientist, you should hear my sub-head's plans for glowing shrimp.
Tell them there are no ethical issues. That'll get 'em.
None. It never really oozed brown. Just some ink. Now it's into the flaking/sloughing stage and it itches.

It's pure sugar. How could you not know?
Blend the squashy berries, or stew them. Just don't add very much sugar and you can use it as non-syrup over your sugar cake.

Why is she so angry? What is there to be angry about? Not that there's not, because there probably is. Tell me about it.
I did the thing, although I was not prepared and had to write until nearly midnight. Started out by cheating and rewriting something that I hadn't liked. Seems better. No gags. Tone is wrong. I have more words than you for yesterday.

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 Post subject: Re: *Private* Tripping the Light Fantastic
Posted: Nov 6th, '18, 18:48    


Joined: Aug 14th, '14, 17:29
Posts: 559
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Mood: Nonplussed
Ooh, yes, open-ended, that's what readers like best. Next time you introduce a character, you should avoid giving them a name or any kind of personal pronouns You can give a hair color, though, for the sake of being able to refer to them as an "orangette". Maximally open-ended.
Biotech is maximum boring. Tasty crispy ecology, yes. I have heard the glowing shrimp plan, but I feel like people wouldn't actually have ethical issues with that? Not like they APPARENTLY do when you suggest gene driving feral cats to only have male kittens.

Ink update???????? Gooooo?

It doesn't start out as pure sugar, and then I added heavy cream to it, and also, more sugar. This was unforeseeable.
The berries, however, are a capital idea. Tartness ideal. Ended up using raspberries.

I expected her to be more okay with the rich person visiting her town, but the way I'm writing it makes more sense when she is constantly fighting down her anger at the inequality of the situation. Also anger at the fact that he is poverty-tourism-ing her community. The oppressed being angry at the rich feels more natural.
It's day 6 and I am already the most behind! Yesterday was a bad day. Homework took precedence. Now, today, KofK is taking precedence.
Fighting the good fight?

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 Post subject: Re: *Private* Tripping the Light Fantastic
Posted: Nov 6th, '18, 19:01    


Joined: Aug 18th, '14, 04:23
Posts: 669
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Mood: Lazy
Website: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/1701656/LordofDorkness
Location: The Land of Sky Blue Waters
Yes! That's the plan! I just vaguely used Ka-Zar and the Black Knight as background characters, but not in any particularly identifiable way.
You never can tell with ethics. What's wrong with gene driving feral cats? It's not even a natural population (nearly typed poopulation). How is this worse than culling them or letting them starve?

Peeling. Ink peeled all the way off in a few dark patches, but is apparently normal. She's just going to retouch it later.

Heavy cream cannot defeat sugar. They are in cahoots more often than not.
Raspberry is tarter than strawberry. Considered cranberry?

Do you not feel angry at the rich already? Yes, poverty tourism would be rather patronizing. There was an article about it in Science a few weeks ago.
Maybe don't let KofK defeat NaNo? Homework, sure (I guess), but knuffel?
Still up to date. I decided to allow a longer time skip and things are moving okay. Also got Dad to write on the weekend, so that's nice. Need more plot/worldbuilding assistance?

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 Post subject: Re: *Private* Tripping the Light Fantastic
Posted: Nov 15th, '18, 00:45    


Joined: Aug 14th, '14, 17:29
Posts: 559
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Mood: Nonplussed
But now you told me about them, so I'll know. I'll know. You can't hide them from me.
All cats have a god-given right to reproduce indiscriminately, I guess. I don't pretend to understand these people. As I said, I'm the mad scientist in this encounter.

Ink update??? When is Ink 2: Electric Boogaloo (The Squeakquel)?

Cranberry is a bridge too far. We trust no cran. What is its purpose in life? Only to be used in mixed juices, as far as I can tell.

Anger is tiring. I don't have the energy to be angry most of the time. Which is why it's weird to write about a character who has a lot of energy to do a lot of things, all the time. Not #relatable.
Anything can defeat NaNo at this point. I clawed my way back up to par, but it's still not great. I have no... plot? Yes. That's the thing I'm missing. I have a sequence of events, but it's not the same thing. I know information that needs to be related before certain important events occur, but because I'm mostly pantsing this, all that information gets relegated to infodumps. It's BAD.
Still up to date? Still the Perniverse? Tell me things. Or send me an update! That's like a reward for me for you having written more.

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