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 Post subject: Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂
Posted: Apr 25th, '20, 00:19    


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I stopped going out to the store at all because (well, because I shouldn't go out since I'm high risk; but also) I can't watch J shopping anymore -__- He still picks up 100000 items and puts them back down on the shelf without buying them. Last trip I spent the whole time saying "don't touch that" over and over again and he still didn't get it. And then we got home and he put all the food away BEFORE washing his hands. So then I was like hey look at this I have so much work to do I guess you'd better do the shopping on your own since the queues take so much time now

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 Post subject: Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂
Posted: Apr 25th, '20, 02:08    


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We went to the store today and bought stuff.
I have disinfectant wipes in the car so we always wipe ourselves down when we leave the sore.
I forgot to one day ._.

Mom: You know we never used the wipes 8U
Me: .....WELL FUCK. >8u

I told my sister not to be touching things and to not touch her face.
She said "Well, what do I do when I itch!? >8u"

I'm a shut-in so I'm used to being home 24/7.
I actually am pretty hermit-like.
I do need social interaction, but I only do it online with you guys and my mom, sister, aunt and dad u8

Seeing people go nuts over being home is funny to me.
Like why would you ever WANT to leave home xD
Home is safe. I feel safest and happiest at home.
Eventhough I know home isn't 100% safe.

(0) (0)

"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂
Posted: Apr 26th, '20, 17:35    


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They still smoke from time to time. But it's a lot less than previously. So maybe they've heard that covid-19 might result in death for smokers since they ruin their own respiratory system anyways and now they're trying to quit or something XD Or they just smoke someplace else idk. So far, so good. I'm not going to complain too much about less of a smell :D

I also don't feel leaving home is that necessary for me. Sure, I miss going out for a walk or a bike trip once in a while, especially the weather's beginning to be nice again. And it's annoying to wear the mask and gloves everywhere and that I can't go grocery shopping anytime I want because now we have senior hours 10-12 (the stupidest hours ever). But other than that it's fine, I'll be staying home anyways XD

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Dec 21st/22nd 2016, R.I.P. Tila. We'll miss you, you cuddly little stinker <3
Dec 7th 2019, R.I.P. Candy. I'm sorry, my sweet little rumball...
Jan 8th 2020, R.I.P. Cotton. Farewell my golden adventurer </3
May 15th 2021, R.I.P. Kreska. I love you, angel...
Feb 3rd 2022, R.I.P. Kropka. Goodbye, my *starshine*
Nov 27th 2022, R.I.P. Strzałka. You will be missed, lazy ball.
Jan 5th 2023, R.I.P. Iskra. Spark until the end.
Jan 26th 2024, R.I.P. Mocha. You can fool around now, baby <3
Feb 22nd 2024, R.I.P. Latte. Now you are truly a free spirit...

 Post subject: Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂
Posted: Apr 26th, '20, 21:16    


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The last time I saw my psychologist, he told me "If you don't have to go out, then don't .__."
And it made me happy because everyone is always beating me over the head with "YOU NEED TO GET OUT MORE!" "YOU SHOULD BE OUT AND ENJOYING YOURSELF!"
I never liked partying, I have no interest in going to clubs, I have no interests that involve me getting out xD

My mom and I have been going to the grocery store 8u
We went yesterday and this lady was walking through the parking lot and this woman was backing into a parking space and was like "YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME RUN OVER YOU!?" and was just yelling at the lady and on top of that, my mom said the woman said "SHE DOESN'T EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH!" because the lady was Mexican. And she did speak English. So the woman was just being a racist bitch >_>

(0) (0)

"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂
Posted: Apr 26th, '20, 21:32    


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Haha, saaaame... Never liked it, never will. No, thank you. I'd rather stay home and read a book or write one XD

Yeah, people are more nervous due to the pandemia.

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Dec 21st/22nd 2016, R.I.P. Tila. We'll miss you, you cuddly little stinker <3
Dec 7th 2019, R.I.P. Candy. I'm sorry, my sweet little rumball...
Jan 8th 2020, R.I.P. Cotton. Farewell my golden adventurer </3
May 15th 2021, R.I.P. Kreska. I love you, angel...
Feb 3rd 2022, R.I.P. Kropka. Goodbye, my *starshine*
Nov 27th 2022, R.I.P. Strzałka. You will be missed, lazy ball.
Jan 5th 2023, R.I.P. Iskra. Spark until the end.
Jan 26th 2024, R.I.P. Mocha. You can fool around now, baby <3
Feb 22nd 2024, R.I.P. Latte. Now you are truly a free spirit...

 Post subject: Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂
Posted: Apr 27th, '20, 01:50    


Joined: Jun 17th, '08, 21:48
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It's understandable people are more on edge, but that was still so rude xD
And to just assume someone can't speak English just because they're not white is ignorant >:\
She did speak English. I heard her say "Oh my God >__>" while the woman was yelling at her.

I'm pretty white, but I'm mostly Mexican and Native American.
I don't get out much and when I do get out, it's at night.
So I often wonder how people perceive me.
My mom said people can tell I'm mixed, though.
It's funny because I started watching this Youtuber and he's Mexican and he said "I can assure you I'm Mexican - I'm just pale because I don't go out \8u/"
When I do go out in the sun, I do tan 8u
My mom always said I had olive skin and I never understood what that meant.
It means that my skin is a tannish gold and I also tan easily.
I got a tan on my feet from wearing flip flops and going to see my mom on weekends.
We had to stand in line and the sun was on my feet and a tan just appeared 8u

Despite being Mexican, I don't know a lot of Spanish.
I know bits and pieces, but not enough to make a conversation.
Like I watched this short horror story that was all in Spanish and I only understood 20% of it .__.

I was talking to my mom about it and she said she worked with this Creole woman who was black, but she had very light skin.
My mom said these people were being racist and talking shit about black people right in front of her.
My mom said she begged her not to say anything, but my mom was like "How dare you >8U You're talking like that in front of -friend's name- and she's BLACK >8U" and she said they argued with her xD

(0) (0)

"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂
Posted: Apr 28th, '20, 12:11    


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I'm the same, I like staying in anyway. I actually lost track of when I went out last. I don't mind staying in at all.

People are idiots :D

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 Post subject: Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂
Posted: Apr 28th, '20, 20:40    


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I went out yesterday to the store because I wanted donuts 8u
We also got stuff for hotdogs u8

It was 101 degrees the other day xD
WHO wants to go out in that \u8</

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂
Posted: May 19th, '20, 21:48    


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Hey guys, how are you?

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Dec 21st/22nd 2016, R.I.P. Tila. We'll miss you, you cuddly little stinker <3
Dec 7th 2019, R.I.P. Candy. I'm sorry, my sweet little rumball...
Jan 8th 2020, R.I.P. Cotton. Farewell my golden adventurer </3
May 15th 2021, R.I.P. Kreska. I love you, angel...
Feb 3rd 2022, R.I.P. Kropka. Goodbye, my *starshine*
Nov 27th 2022, R.I.P. Strzałka. You will be missed, lazy ball.
Jan 5th 2023, R.I.P. Iskra. Spark until the end.
Jan 26th 2024, R.I.P. Mocha. You can fool around now, baby <3
Feb 22nd 2024, R.I.P. Latte. Now you are truly a free spirit...

 Post subject: Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂
Posted: May 19th, '20, 23:44    


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You know how I was always saying I was busy before? Now I'm even busier than ever :'D
I got a new contract signed with my major client. I sacked two other clients and still I have more hours of work per week than before. The good news is that without having to travel at all I'm saving some time there. I'm managing to mostly have Sundays off but that time is basically spend sleeping and staring dazedly at the TV haha.
J lost his job because of covid (the business can't sustain itself so everyone is out of work too) so it's a blessing that I got this contract through. I'll be working for them through to February at the least and I also have enough time in the week to cover my other usual clients and the magazine, and writing my own stuff. It's a pretty harsh schedule though so if I fall even one hour behind it's really difficult to catch back up again.
If it goes well and we continue a new contract after February I will probably ask for a payrise :D

How are things with you?

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