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 Post subject: Re: Background doesn't make the future 1 on 1 rp
Posted: Apr 9th, '21, 01:41    


Joined: Oct 21st, '19, 23:59
Posts: 461
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Mood: Talkative
They stopped at a chain link fence that was about a bit above Alexander's head in size he started to climb it and sat down at the top and held out his hand. "Can you climb at all or should I just fly you over?" Alexander asked in the back of his mind hoping she could climb. He didn't want to have to fly her over. She'd be trapped in the forest without someone's help if she couldn't do it herself. "Our place isn't much farther."

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 Post subject: Re: Background doesn't make the future 1 on 1 rp
Posted: Apr 9th, '21, 01:58    


Joined: Apr 6th, '21, 09:31
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"I can try." Jade said before attempting to climb. Only to find that this was remarkably easy for her. "But why...?" Jade muttered to herself as she could swear this was the first thing she ever climbed

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 Post subject: Re: Background doesn't make the future 1 on 1 rp
Posted: Apr 9th, '21, 02:03    


Joined: Oct 21st, '19, 23:59
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"Hm...Fast survival learning, How did they even get away with doing anything to you? You should have just lost it and tore them apart." Alexander said. before hopping down and starting to walk again dropping the rock he was carrying and clearly going into a semi relaxed state.

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 Post subject: Re: Background doesn't make the future 1 on 1 rp
Posted: Apr 9th, '21, 02:22    


Joined: Apr 6th, '21, 09:31
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"I don't want to hurt anyone." Jade said, following him.

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 Post subject: Re: Background doesn't make the future 1 on 1 rp
Posted: Apr 9th, '21, 03:16    


Joined: Oct 21st, '19, 23:59
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"Guess that makes sense you weren't raised in hell after all. You kinda have to be a jerk to survive childhood there. The second you're nice to someone the second people beat the crap out of you." Alexander said. Suddenly ahead of Jade and Alexander there was a whole village of people kids running around of all fantasy races. A lot of them had wings, fairy, demi god, butterfly, you name it, Elves were hanging up hammocks made from vines instead of rope. The hammocks were everywhere it was kind of like a spider web. Trees were grown to have big hollowed insides and there were different huge iron pots inside boiling stew or even brewing wine. The smells were overwhelming at first, fruits of all kinds, gardens were growing veggies beside the hollow trees. Most people were wearing animal furs as clothes instead of normal shirts. Babies were kept in rockers that rocked themselves. An old man was sitting up in the tree right above Jade's head playing a wooden flute. It only took seconds for about 10 children to dog pile on Alexander. Alexander let out an annoyed breath as they hit the ground. "Must we go through this every time I come home? You're all getting too old to miss me like this." Alexander said throwing all of them off with ease while they all got to their feet just as fast trying to pile on him again but Alexander knew better and just blocked them and pushed them back even though they attacked him one by one trying to overwhelm him. Alexander yawned loudly clearly faking. "Am I truly failing so bad as a teacher or are am I raising a bunch of idiots? Mia, Aire, Kayden, There's 3 of you for goodness sakes you should be able to at least knock me over without help from each other." Alexander said before one almost got him in the face but Alexander grabbed their leg spun them around then threw them like a rag doll but no matter what he did to them they always landed without getting hurt. Alexander always made sure they didn't get hurt fighting against him...He let them hurt each other but he was never the one to hurt them. "How on Earth is the baby getting closer to me than any of you? For shame." Alexander said. The one he just threw, A baby? She had butterfly wings and looked like she was 10 years old. All these kids looked to be 10 to 12 years old actually. She didn't look younger. "Alright enough enough break it up!" A woman yelled walking forward. "Aww" Came the complaints but they all ran away. She then turned around and walked away. "You're no fun Nala!" Alexander called after her. "These children aren't demons you idiot you shouldn't be teaching them to beat the crap out of eachother!" Nala responded. "What are you talking about? All kiddos are demons, It's hell trying to raise the brats!" Alexander responded. "Shut up!" Nala responded which just made Alexander laugh.

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 Post subject: Re: Background doesn't make the future 1 on 1 rp
Posted: Apr 9th, '21, 03:57    


Joined: Apr 6th, '21, 09:31
Posts: 57
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With all the chaos, Jade felt extremely claustrophobic and like she had to get away. She did her best to keep an eye on Alexander to make sure he wasn't paying attention to her as she slid past a couple trees in order to hide and to look around on her own more. How could this place be safe wihen all those freaks attacked him the instant he appeared?

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 Post subject: Re: Background doesn't make the future 1 on 1 rp
Posted: Apr 9th, '21, 04:04    


Joined: Oct 21st, '19, 23:59
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Jade ran past a woman stirring a stew pot. "Hey slow down," She said. The man playing a flute stopped paying. "Leave the girl alone can't you see she's new and scared? Honey, Don't be scared, They're just kids and it's just a game."

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 Post subject: Re: Background doesn't make the future 1 on 1 rp
Posted: Apr 9th, '21, 05:21    


Joined: Apr 6th, '21, 09:31
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Jade stopped and turned to the woman. Was she going fast? It didn't seem like she was compared to the running she was doing in the city. Or... was this woman able to sense heartbeats? Jade shook her head then took a deep breath before letting it out to calm down. "I just... need some time to think on my own." Jade said before walking away, trying her best to keep her heartbeat calm now. She passed a few more trees and went to sit down behind one. "At first... I was worried." Jade started to speak out loud. It was the easiest way for her to gather her thoughts and she usually didn't care if anyone overheard her. "I was worried that me coming here would bring those dangerous people here. But... this place is so much more dangerous."

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 Post subject: Re: Background doesn't make the future 1 on 1 rp
Posted: Apr 9th, '21, 05:27    


Joined: Oct 21st, '19, 23:59
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Alexander sighed and followed Jade. He wasn't okay with her thinking this was dangerous just because of the children's actions when he is the one who supports it. He stopped when he heard her talking to herself staying out of sight and unnoticed.

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 Post subject: Re: Background doesn't make the future 1 on 1 rp
Posted: Apr 9th, '21, 05:38    


Joined: Apr 6th, '21, 09:31
Posts: 57
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Jade looked up at the sky. Even through the trees she could tell that sunset was coming, she wasn't going to be awake much longer. "Maybe they could handle this place better?" Jade asked herself before looking around. "Your desire to kill makes you easy to sense." Jade said softly.

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