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 Post subject: Re: Genshin Impact
Posted: Oct 20th, '21, 20:03    


Joined: Aug 22nd, '13, 23:23
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aaah i found my people!! i've been playing since july and i'm at like ar50 this game has taken every bit of my free time the entire summer :mclol:
and i'm also incredibly lucky with the event banners, i got diluc with 1 pity and i'm skipping childe, so i'll have a guaranteed hu tao~
(and terribly unlucky with the standard banner i keep getting favonius lances ugh)
how's everyone luck? :qstar:

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"Oh, you're leaving...
I knew that you would leave the forest someday, Link...
Because you are different from me and my friends....
But that's OK, because we'll be friends forever... won't we?"
| knuffel | quesᴛ ʟog | ʙazaar |
come hang out with us in sock's den! ♥️

 Post subject: Re: Genshin Impact
Posted: Oct 21st, '21, 12:14    


Joined: Apr 8th, '10, 09:57
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@NoxNoctis Oh yes Diluc is quite pretty, and I loooove his outfit. I tried to get my boyfriend to dress up like him right away, but he's all "Oh but it costs like MONEY and stuff, I need time!" What a selfish jerk!


Yeah, the other English voices are meh, but Qiqi is funny. Zhongli in English isn't bad, when he shouts "I will have order!" when doing his super move, it's... it's pretty hot... :mcsmirk:


Welcome to your people, your people welcome you! Or at least I do, I don't know about other people. I assume they're generally pretty welcoming.

Haha I know what you mean, it is a time suck. I don't even remember why I downloaded it initially, it was recommended randomly and I was like what's this crap why are you recommending it you don't know ME, and I thought I'd just try it and delete it immediately and now it's been like... a year... of almost daily playing. I guess they did know me. :mcmeh:

It's just so PRETTY though, isn't it? If it were just a bit uglier maybe I could bear to leave. They ain't playin fair, makin it all pretty like that!!

Ugh, repeat weapons. There's a sword and a book I keep getting, can't remember their stupid 3-star names, but man whenever they pop up I wanna smash the screen in a rage and delete the game and never speak or think of it again. But then finally you get that character silhouette, and blink they pop into focus, and you feel that rush of unholy joy that no simple stupid silly game should make you feel, it's so addictive! It's eeeevil! I hate it, I love it!! :mcsquee:

What's your best team lineup? And who's your most sought-after? Is it Hu Tao? I don't have her yet... I can stand to be without her because I'm doing good for pyro characters, but I do hope to get her eventually someday.

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 Post subject: Re: Genshin Impact
Posted: Oct 21st, '21, 16:49    


Joined: Jan 2nd, '14, 11:03
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@Saphira: omg that's some serious luck indeed!! :mcargh: I agree on the standard banner giving crap tho, the only time I pulled I got... a bow? I think? A four-stars one, not even a five-stars, sheesh :mcmeh: lmao
Still hoping to get Diluc one day tho, I have 10 Acquainted Fates rn... should I attempt or....

@JosieQ: darn you boyfriend, you had one job! XDD
That's totally it, the game is too pretty for us to just stop, it's so addictively beautiful :mclove: I keep getting screenshots like a maniac whenever I discover a new place XD And the character design is so nice too! Not to mention we're getting new faces every month or so, which also helps keeping us hooked haha.

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 Post subject: Re: Genshin Impact
Posted: Oct 21st, '21, 17:47    


Joined: Aug 22nd, '13, 23:23
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@JosieQ thank you!! yeah i downloaded it sorta unwillingly because my boyfriend kept bugging me about it. i was playing Breath of the Wild at the time and found myself stuck in the last dungeon i had to complete, so i thought you know what? maybe i'll try out genshin impact since they say it's inspired from the zelda game... three days later i was going insane trying to complete the dragonspine quests! i couldn't stand having so many things to do and so much content yet to be.. consumed. i didn't sleep a lot and absolutely HAD to keep playing. now i just have some exploring to do and to and focusing on the abyss, i basically finished all the quests (archon, story and world!) adventurer handbook, hangout events, oculi, and idk anything basically. now i'm just waiting for the hu tao banner, can't wait!! she looks so pretty and cool and i need a pyro main dps. it's kinda sad that i won't be able to get ger c1 probably and her weapon...
f2p struggles :mcsweat:

i have been using the chongyun/xiangling/xingqiu/bennet team for a while now (and probably will forever) i sometimes switch someone for sucrose or raiden (sometimes diona?) but that's pretty much it. i never leveled up diluc because i HATE him. and the only other 5 stars i have besides baal and diluc are qiqi an mona. both stuck at lvl 60 because i can't manage to collect enough exp books. :mccry:

repeat weapons, well, i'm used to those, i only get a 4 star every 10 useless weapons but the problem is when the 4 stars are ALSO useless weapons. what do you mean after 9 debate clubs i pulled my THIRD lance of favonious. i don't even have it equipped to anybody haha. and when i manage to pull 4 star characters, it's always a diona constellation haha. the standard banner is always so depressing. the event banner on the other hand, i pull on there every like 2 months? but it's soo satisfying!! because always manage to save lots of primogems. but i only use acquaint fates on the standard banner and i only get like 10 a month if i'm lucky and play a lot. of course it's depressing if i wait a month to pull another favonius lance haha.
it truly is an addictive game!

@NoxNoctis haha never leveld diluc up so i'd be more than happy to give him away if only it was possible. i'm waiting for hu tao anyway so i don't think i'll ever play him. (or because i'll never have spare hero's wit). but pull! pull! pull!~
exactly! the time i finally pull a 4 star it's another useless weapon it's so frustrating! and i'm also totally addicted to taking lots of screenshots! the first time i was in tsurumi island i made a chongyun photoshoot :mctongue:

i was wondering, who's everyones favourite traveler? i see lots of people on reddit only use the geo traveler but i HATE the damn rocks soo much i never built her tbh. i only use anemo lumine, not everyone likes the anemo traveler but honestly? she's my strongest character, she can totally one shot five hilichurls at a time with the palm vortex while getting back some HP. and not everyone likes having to catch up to the tornado, but it's such a great crowd control imo, i throw it in there and it sucks in all the light enemies killing them in one go. i often try to aim at a wall anyway so i don't have to run around looking for the masks haha. and she's soo pretty~ :qstar:

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"Oh, you're leaving...
I knew that you would leave the forest someday, Link...
Because you are different from me and my friends....
But that's OK, because we'll be friends forever... won't we?"
| knuffel | quesᴛ ʟog | ʙazaar |
come hang out with us in sock's den! ♥️

 Post subject: Re: Genshin Impact
Posted: Oct 22nd, '21, 01:14    


Joined: Apr 8th, '10, 09:57
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I've never played Breath of the Wild... in fact the only Zelda I ever had was the ancient original one on Nintendo. XD I've been meaning to try it but don't know where to start. Is Breath of the Wild the best, in your opinion?

Oh I get that same feeling about HAVING to finish everything right way. It's stupid because like, you have months, you have yeeeears, you can take your time! But I too run around like a maniac desperately trying to clear all the quests like there's a time limit when there isn't. :mcsweat:

I have Diluc too and used him for awhile, but though I think he's a smidge faster with his weapon than Xinyan, I just don't like using any claymore characters really, they're too slow for me. I played with Xiangling early on and she's so ridiculously fast with her stabby-stabby, so especially then going from that to those slow whacks with those big ones ugggh.

Occasionally I do that $4.99 monthly purchase of Blessing of the Welkin Moon, which gives me the primz I need to feed my habit. I can't bear the thought of spending REAL money on a game like this (I do find that gambling for a character rather than being able to buy it outright is quite nefarious), but since I'm signed up for Google Opinion Rewards which sends me surveys and gives me Google Play monies, I can use that for Genshin and don't feel as dirty!

You twos could try the Rewards thing too if you need some Play cash. The first few weeks I got a lot of surveys and racked up like $30, then it went dry for almost a year (I think they were overhauling it), then it was back and I earned another $40 or so with time. Now it's trickled off to a dribble and I may soon be out! *Fear terror*

Yeah, when I run out of experience books I'll just spend a whole day or two grinding those blue ley line deposits, but it took me like several months to realize the yellow ones gave you money. :mcheh: I think I tried them early on and was like MONEY WHO NEEDS IT, but then when I started leveling up then I realized who needed it. ME. GOOGLE HOW MONEY GENSHIN IMPACT

Geo Traveler, ugh. Yeah, I've only ever pulled that one out when I need something to climb to get an electroculus, didn't find it useful at all. People use it a lot, really? Am I missing something? :mcmeh:

The electro Traveler when it came out I liked a lot, but since I've replaced her with the Shogun now, I'll probably switch her back to anemo. Haven't played her for a while but it is satisfying doing that vortex and watching the damage pile up. :mcargh:

Oh, ugh, picking stuff up was hell for my first several months playing on mobile. The game lagged on my phone somethin' fierce and I'd have to stand by an item for a good second to three waiting for it to give me the option, so picking up MULTIPLE things was like having a job. Now on PC I can run around and pick stuff up AS I pass, so I can actually bother to grab mints and stuff! (Usually just to put into that transmuter thingie, what's it called... Parametric Transformer yes, thanks internet!)

You guys play on mobile or PC or Playstation...? I'm using a controller on PC, which is nice enough, but I'd like to set up a keyboard and mouse (which I can't because the PC is in the living room and my other one can't run the game, end long boring story). But it sucks because I can't chat when I co-op a domain, and sometimes people are like hi how's it going, and I have to pick the pre-selected messages and say "Hello!" and an emoji that best expresses how I am (at least they added more emojis heh), and if they say something like "You wanna do Childe next?" I can't give them a normal, "Yay let's do it!" I have to pick the stilted "Let's start the challenge!" Do they know I'm working with a controller and whatever sentences Genshin has chosen? Or do they think I'm crazy?? Give us simple "Yes" and "No" options at least huh!

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 Post subject: Re: Genshin Impact
Posted: Oct 22nd, '21, 11:09    


Joined: Jan 2nd, '14, 11:03
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OMG RIGHT!! I get that feeling of urgency too! XDD Which is indeed useless because we have all the time in the world, but STILL! When I see I need to get to AR 35 to get the Serenitea then like heck I wanna reach that asap!! lmao
Tbh I was a bit disappointed because, truth moment, I started playing with a good friend/crush, and we did like... one co-op... then he started playing something else and I'm just there grinding all alone :mccry: Kinda sad, almost made me stop for a moment, but you know what? He can do whatever, I don't care, I'm gonna keep playing what makes ME happy, period.
/end of deception rant lol
Saphira, I'd gradly adopt your Diluc if we couuuuld...! Make a trade option Mihoyo pls!!
Haven't played BotW either but only because I don't have Nintendo home consoles ^^; I only ever get the portable ones haha. Did play A Link Between World, Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time and the Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass serie though and they were soooo good :qh:
About Traveller, I'm still with Anemo too since the tornado is indeed so useful, and also because I don't have any other anemo character rn so it's better than nothing XD
Oh, question!! If I use Google currency to get that monthly blessing thing, can I use it on my Playstation?? I'm a PS4 user, my PC just can't handle games (it's 14 years-old though, can't expect much of it except Word for work lmao)

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 Post subject: Re: Genshin Impact
Posted: Oct 22nd, '21, 13:26    


Joined: Jul 27th, '20, 11:18
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hi hello, i'm the one who bugged the hell out of @Saphira to play genshin haha

i've downloaded it on my ps4 during the first klee banner i believe so basically at the beginning, but i didn't have anyone to play with, and to share it with so i kind of just left it there.
but then i downloaded it on my pc (during the zhongli rerun i believe) so i could also play on my mobile and got obsessed.

im ar 45 since i haven't done the ascension quest yet ahaha i've been really busy with uni work so fortunately i still have tons of stuff to explore and do

my current team is klee, raiden, sucrose and xingqiu, i sometimes swap out sucrose for benny. i'm actually kind of surprised i retired anemo traveller haha i always stood by him until like ar 40 and was sure i was going to keep playing but i guess i didnt consider getting other 5 stars i wanted to use ahaha

i'm currently saving for a possible xiao rerun in the future since none of the current banners are that appealing to me. i already have tons of pyro characters and childe will get another thousands of reruns (like honestly we'll probably get another childe banner before xiao rerun whats up with that mihoyo you clearly have a favourite)

regarding the diluc discourse... i... don't know i don't really like him hence im currently holding him hostage at lvl 1 so he doesn't ruin my 50/50 on event banners hehehehe (got him at soft pity on the standard banner, i was hoping for mona so im pretty salty about that)

also my biggest interest in genshin is probably the lore and theories. i was even considering doing a genshin lore blog or channel or something like that

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❝I'm not very good with people, and I don't want to interact with them. And yet I'm very concerned about what others think of me.❞ - kozume kenma.

 Post subject: Re: Genshin Impact
Posted: Oct 22nd, '21, 14:05    


Joined: Apr 8th, '10, 09:57
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Your good-friend-crush is a betrayer, A BETRAYER LOWER THAN A COMMON HILICHURL!! *Angry fist shake*

Yeah, I feel ya. Games are always better with friends in co-op. My own fella hasn't got much free-time for gaming, thus he's very picky about the games he spends time playing. He doesn't LIKE the look of the combat system on Genshin he says, the dirty bum, so he won't try it! That's what I call irreconcilable differences. :mcangry:

I'm afraid the Google currency probably won't work on your PS4. I can't even use it on my PC actually, it asks me for a credit card there, so I have to log in on my phone whenever I need to make a payment. Which makes NO sense, what is that. :mcheh:

Yeah, I lucked out on being able to play it on this one PC I have (not the other one I WANT to play it on, but hey), although it does tend to crash when I go into the character menu, or when I'm switching team members. Very irritating.


Welcome! You should've gotten a referral bonus for sucking in a player and basically ruining their life because they can never stop, never never, there are new characters coming, new lands and continents, can't ever stop ever!!

Surely that's worth a free wish or somethin' aye?

Oh okay Klee, I tried her briefly and she was doing good damage but then seemed to die on me real easily. Is she a glass cannon or am I doin' it wrong? XD It was pretty early on so I guess I could try again, I probably gave up too soon...

On a bitchy note, I'm super mad at Genshin because I got my first C6 character ever (Rosaria a banner or two ago), and then I got her AGAIN and I was like... you can still get a character even when they're maxed? And you don't get anything extra??

That feels super cheap and shady! :mcangry: I'm not gonna quit the game over it or nothin', but if I ever run into a programmer and they say "Oh yeah I work for Genshin," I'm gonna have to punch 'em in the face.

An open-handed slap at the very least.

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 Post subject: Re: Genshin Impact
Posted: Oct 22nd, '21, 16:22    


Joined: Aug 22nd, '13, 23:23
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@JosieQ breath of the wild is one of the best games that came out in the last 10 years imo! but it's very very different from the usual zelda games from 20 years ago. ocarina of time is my favourite videogame ever i keep replaying it again and again even today. next to majora's mask and wind waker. i have to say, i don't own a nintendo switch either haha i play botw on the emulator on my pc. i'm too broke to afford consoles AND games. i still have my old nintendo64 though :qh:

i'll definetely check out the google opinion rewards thingy! i never heard about it and it seems a great way to pay for welking. i wouldn't pay for a gacha either, i don't have the money anyway, but even if i had money to spare i certainly could never afford paying $450+ for a guaranteed 5* character! it's wayy too overpriced.

i hate geo traveler too but they're in all the team comp suggestions i see because i guess it's somehow stronger than anemo traveler in terms of dps? doesn't fit my playstyle at all anyway, so, can't stand it. and idk about electro traveler, i already have raiden and beidou so i never really tried to use her. she's not as bad as the geo one though, that's for sure haha.

i grind the blue ley lines too when i'm desperate for exp books but aghhh it's never enough!! my lumine is stuck at lvl 80, i ascended her but i can't bring her to lvl90 because i need hundreds of books :mccry:

i can't play on mobile at all! i only downloaded the app to log in for dailies sometimes. but i use a controller on pc too. i have a laptop with integrated keyboard and touchpad so it's not really the best for playing, but at least i can chat freely haha. i agree though, they should definetely give us yes and no options :mcdead:

@NoxNoctis a trade option on genshin would be super cool but i'm not sure if it's a good idea after all haha. and i definetely missed a link between worlds i HAVE to catch up!! the others you mentioned happen to be my favourite games of all time! :qstar:

@kenma i think deep down we're all waiting for a xiao rerun hehe.

AND YES PLEASE. stop giving us c10 characters if the constellations end at 6 T_T just remove them from the players pool once we get them at c6. i'm still not there though, the most cons i have for a character are probably c4 beidou/rosaria/xiangling. i'm still here with no yanfei or sayu :mcsweat:

what are your guys plans for the next banners? and what reruns are you desperately saving for? i'm definetely pulling my guaranteed hu tao i've been so impatiently waiting for, but i think i'll stop after that and definetely skip the geo banners. i don't like itto's design anyway. i would only pull for a yae miko or a xiao rerun~

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"Oh, you're leaving...
I knew that you would leave the forest someday, Link...
Because you are different from me and my friends....
But that's OK, because we'll be friends forever... won't we?"
| knuffel | quesᴛ ʟog | ʙazaar |
come hang out with us in sock's den! ♥️

 Post subject: Re: Genshin Impact
Posted: Oct 23rd, '21, 12:15    


Joined: Jan 2nd, '14, 11:03
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@kenma: you did a good convincing job ;p Ooooh a special channel/blog about the lore would be great imo! There is a lot of things to talk about in this game, which is what makes it so fascinating. We still have so many areas to discover yet too, like the infamous Cryo lands...!
Hoping we DO get a Xiao rerun (or Venti) pretty soon because they're probably the reason I started stalking the game XD Their design is just so cool and they're incredibly cute + useful (perfect combo!) :qlov:

@JosieQ: yeah well, that's about the story of my life actually... I've stopped counting the times a friend tells me "oh we should play this together!!" and I say "ok" and download and even pay for some friggin' online gaming access, only for them to ditch me after one play or two because oh look there's a new game around >_< Just makes me really mad (and also sad because that also means they don't care much about me huh)
What, you can still get the same character after c6 and you have nothing to compensate for this crap??? That's so mean! :qf: They're trying to milk out every penny they can from the players, aren't they.... Same goes with all gachas though, ugh. Don't get me started over War of the Visions...>_>
Aw, sad about Google currency :(... would have been a way to put to good use whatever € I still have over there haha, oh well.

@Saphira: GOROU! <3 That's the first soon-to-come character that comes to mind for me lol, I don't care much about Itto either but Gorou is soooo adorable! Plus more archers are always good (rn I only have Amber and Aloy, but one is crap and the other I can't get elevation materials for yet, sob)
Aprt from the fox guy, definitely gonna attempt whoever comes first, Xiao, Venti, Zonghli... might keep pulling a bit for Childe too since I have like... 10 more Fates available, might as well try heh?
Tbh I want more guys in my team XD There's way too many girls in this game lmao

EDIT: guys, I wanna murder Mihoyo.... I pulled Ningguang... AGAIN!! Started only a month ago and I have her C4 already, what the heckin' heck! :mcshout:

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