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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jan 20th, '21, 13:24    


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Is this still fairly active? I have started to try to lose weight and I'm having a rough time staying away from certain foods. I am a huge foodie, but I really need to lose at least 30 lbs.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Dec 10th, '21, 10:07    


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I haven't weighed myself in awhile.. but last I checked I was 185lbs
I'm 4'11 and I used to be 100-110 (My healthy weight)
My goal is now 120lbs (end goal not within any time frame)

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis aka Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis.
It's an autoimmune disease and I was struggling years before I figured out what it was.
At it's worst, I was nearly hitting 200lbs (Before meds/diagnosis)
I feel like my weight leveled out since I started meds but i'm not really losing anything.

I did go to physical therapy for 6months and the lowest I got was 172lbs but it seems to keep going back up.
I've started dieting and I found out I'm Gluten Intolerant (Non-Celiac) so I've had to cut that out of my diet.

I feel like the new diet is helping, but my chronic joint inflammation and illness make it hard to exercise without feeling pain.
I can hardly do my home chores without my joints flaring.

I've been pushing through it to try and build strength, which I think is working.. but every now and then I get one of those bad days :mcsweat:

From what I've learned, Diet and Exercise must be consistent and it's a lifestyle change so you can't lose weight then go back to our old habits :mcgrin:

This is what I learned from my Dr. and my Physical therapist, sorry if you already heard this before, just thought I'd share.

I do yoga, light weight lifting, exercise bike, exercise ball and I try and use a jump rope every now and then.
I think body weight training is more fit for me but if you find something that works for you that's always great!!

I wish everyone here the best of luck on their Weight loss/Health journey!

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Dec 12th, '21, 17:08    


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I relate SO much, GrimDaeva!
Thank you very much for sharing :qh:

I started feeling like crap a year later my son was born.
Extremely exhausted and gaining weight rapidly.
At the time I was on hormonal contraceptives, which I thought that was the reason of the weight gain. And I thought having a toddler and being fat explained being so tired.

He was three when there was a mayor change in our lives, moved closer to the family and I got an steady job. Life was great.
But I was feeling worse and worse. More and more tired, more and more fat. It made no sense.
I got on a diet (Whole30) and I lost weight, felt good. As I reintroduced food into my diet I started to feel tired again - but I had not gained weight back yet!
So obviously the weight was not the CAUSE of the tiredness...

I decided to run some blood test. My doctors had never found anything in mine, so I thought maybe it was something that they usually did not look into?
I decided to pay for some, and get checked in as many items as I could.
Hypothyroidsm. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.

That was two days before lockdown, took me a year to get to a doctor who would prescribe me some meds.
Now I'm feeling much better, only tired when I should be tired - but not all the time anymore!

But weight, no, I haven't lost any weight. I keep gaining it - just slower. Right now I'm at 93kg (205lbs).
My doctors say that food has nothing to do with thyroiditis, I just don't believe them - or I don't want to believe them.
My previous (and only) experience with a diet shows that removing certain foods made me feel better, so there is something (or a combination of things) that does not work well with me.
I would like to find out more about that, but since I don't get any support from my doctors it's very hard to get started.

I confess I don't make any exercise. And I should.
I used to feel so tired I could not even dream of it, but it's no longer the case. I just lack the motivation to be consistent.

Oh, well, I have a long way to go, but I'm a bit lost right now about which path I should follow.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Dec 15th, '21, 04:23    

Akili Li

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This is mildly tangential, but I have to share it.

I work at a clinic a couple of days a week doing administrative stuff (lots and lots of paperwork). Sometimes they have me taking vitals for new patients.

I have to share this with you.

So because of the specific type of clinic we're at, we aren't a primary care facility at all; so for us, tracking weight is not something we usually bother with, mostly only in the cases of someone who is suddenly gaining or losing a bunch (a flag to watch for other stuff), or who is particularly wanting to focus on it for some reason and asks for support for it. But we try to get it when a new patient comes in for their first exam, just for something to start a baseline with.

So when a new patient arrives, we ask them if they know their own height and weight (as in took it recently and are confident in it) and if they do, we take it from the patient (with a note in the chart, "as per patient") instead of measuring it ourselves. If they don't know, we take it for them and make a note. After that, unless they ask us to help them work with weight, we only ask if they've had any major changes, or if they look like they've had major weight shifts we'll enquire. But otherwise it's usually very casual. I thought.

Recently we had a new patient come in. I got her height, which she knew, and asked her "and how much do you weigh typically?"

She said, "About twice a year."

I cracked up.

That's my new weight goal -to be healthy and comfortable enough that I only have to weigh myself twice a year....

Anyhow I hope every one of us on a weight journey gets what we need to keep making progress.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Dec 15th, '21, 10:54    


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Oh, I miss those times when I did not even own scales at all.
What was the point of knowing my weight at all anyway? None.

Right now I try to keep track quite frequently, once a week or every two weeks.
I don't pay much mind to it right away though, because I've noticed some patterns that - I think - have to do with my menstruation.

I've been using this app which makes a graph of your weight.
That graph gives me a lot more of perspective, and for me it's way more useful.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jan 3rd, '22, 02:07    


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I really need to get back on track with exercising and losing weight... I'm over 280lbs (127.006kg or 20 stone). I'd like to get down to about 180lbs (81.646762995222943kg or 12 stone) by at least two birthdays from now (so 37th birthday). ideal goal is around 155-165 lbs (70-74kg or roughly 11 stone).

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Jan 6th, '22, 23:05    


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I am at 92 kg.
My goal has been 70 kg, but all I've done so far is gaining weight ^^;

Today I decided to sign up for one app which hopefully will help me to integrate some physical activity into my routines.
I definetely need it v_v

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Mar 7th, '22, 12:18    


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I'm the same; last time I weighed myself I was about 90kg and I've been desperate to try and get down to 70kg like yourselves.


I've read the whole CICO thing, I know what I need to do, but actually doing it is very hard for me. Food is something that I feel addicted to/have a very bad relationship with and it's a nightmare trying to change my whole lifestyle.

Good luck to everyone!

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Mar 10th, '22, 12:03    


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One of the reasons why it's so hard for me is because we always focus on moderation.
You know, you can drink - but in moderation. You can eat something sugary - but in moderation. You can eat carbs - but of course in moderation. You should eat protein - just don't overdo it, ok?

That just does NOT work for me.
If I eat it, most likely I'll overindulge. Specially if we are talking sweet stuff.
It's easier for me saying "no" to the whole dessert, than eating just a mouthful of it.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight loss
Posted: Mar 11th, '22, 15:04    


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The overindugling speaks to me on a spiritual level; I'm a terrible snacker and will eat the whole packet of something instead of just 1 and saving the rest ): It's really hard to try and explain why because I myself don't know.

I'm going to try again really hard, but the calorie counting and food diaries always gets too much so I'm trying to not be too restrictive.

It always helps to have someone be really firm with you and help you in your weight loss journey and I don't have that ):

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