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 Post subject: Re: The Coffee House|Now Opened
Posted: Dec 16th, '21, 02:01    


Joined: Apr 9th, '19, 05:59
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it really sucks. Where i live most people accept dogs but not cats. But im terrified of dogs. :mcargh: And i would prefer cats just because my fam really needs some healing from a little fluff ball. My fam went through so much emotional trauma past few months. so i feel a little sweet kitty would do us some good and i feel we need a new kitty as part of our fam.

art as a job is just...a huge thing. even 2-3 years i still do not make hardly any. And only have one client who is my best friend lmao. So it's a lot of putting yourself out there, marketing, and etc. so you are not only an artist, you practically are a whole business and marketing team for yourself XD
i kinda was forced into freelance just because covid and i was unable to work especially when i found out of my adhd.

LOL i see. yeah alcoholism runs in my family as well which is why i do not want to even touch it. if i ever did try it i'd go with the ros'e type of wine. red wine full on disgusts me by the smell LOL.

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 Post subject: Re: The Coffee House|Now Opened
Posted: Dec 16th, '21, 03:35    


Joined: Jun 17th, '08, 21:48
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I would think dogs would be more concerning than cats ._.

I'm disabled so I get a check each month, but it'd be nice to earn a little more.
I actually had a dream last night that I made art for a commissioner and they told me it was ugly and they were disappointed and not going to pay xD

I really only like beer. I don't like alcohol that gives me a burning sensation and beer never does 8u

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: The Coffee House|Now Opened
Posted: Dec 16th, '21, 03:51    


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exactly my thought. But no. Like??? it has me so confused.
so currently at our place we have to deal with an untrained dog my landlord adopted who barks from 8am until whenever it decides not to. and it's so annoying lol. But i hope we can find a new place. recently our land lord pulled a fast one and did not tell us the inspection was in order to see how much this place goes for...so she is selling the place. i don't think we'll be evicted. but very stressful.

Yeah commissioners can be....rude at times. I actually had a super bad experience with one. But not for RL currency but fake currency.
and it was literally during the worst time for me recently which was when my mom's health declined and it just...did not make me feel very good and felt they cared about the art not the artist struggling.

but when starting to sell your work online, it usually won't sell within first 5 years. as most of that time you have to build yourself on social media, build an audience, etc which is why it's so difficult. and social media algorithms actually are junk and usually punish artists instead of benefitting them which is also why it can take a long time to get a commission.

i just drink water or coffee. sometimes soda. so i don't ever drink alcohol.

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 Post subject: Re: The Coffee House|Now Opened
Posted: Dec 16th, '21, 21:56    


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That does sound stressful :\
I wish I knew more about that kind of stuff.
Landlords do really questionable things and it feels like it should be illegal but it's usually not <<
I guess it's just a douchebag thing to do.

I've not really had anyone be rude to me when commissioning me.
The worst thing was this person telling me they'd give me a certain amount of site currency and I started working on it and they asked if they could pay less for it so I said no and never made the art.
I had a shop that was like "Pay what you feel my art is worth." so they said they'd pay me that amount and someone else wanted to pay less so they decided to pay less.
I mean maybe I handled it wrong, but a deal was a deal ._.

Yeah, I've noticed that. I currently have my art on a few sites but not very much.
I plan to add a lot of fanart to them once I make fanart...
I did some sketches of game characters in this game I play and people really liked them.
My dumb ass forgot to add my signature because I didn't think anyone would even see them xD
I mean they are sketches but good sketches imo \8u/

I drink a lot of milk. It amazes me how so many people don't like plain milk.

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: The Coffee House|Now Opened
Posted: Dec 16th, '21, 23:03    


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Yeah. like landlords i feel hold way too much power over their tenants and can get away with anything practically meanwhile it's the tenants who suffer. Just is not fair at all.

My cousin knows stuff here and there. But by pure randomness. He is like a walking google sometimes i swear lol.

I don't think you handled the situation badly, as artists we are well within our rights to say no to paying less. Especially if it's less than the average of what amount people usually pay us. I normally have a limited amount of how less you can pay me as if it's too less it kind of feels i'd put in way too much effort with little to no payment. So I always have a limit now.

Fanart is great as i definitely heard it's how to establish a fanbase or community first. I don't do it enough. I hate the tagging systems usually on social media. cause some days they work and others it's like "nope" IG is more so the worst just because if you even post a minute off your post flops. I am mad that IG made my fave new piece flop LOL. but silver lining is people on twitter liked it so much i started getting weird bots on my twitter LOL

and normally..only my sister interacts with my post. but getting roughly 9 people is big for my twitter XD

but it's honestly easy to get started for freelance artist. So i can help as much as I can if you are wanting to do that. As it's honestly can be super helpful if you are unable to work from disabilities. :mchappy:

I can't drink plain milk because of my lactose intolerance. But i mostly drink water for the majority of things.

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 Post subject: Re: The Coffee House|Now Opened
Posted: Dec 17th, '21, 03:01    


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Yeah, it seems that way. A friend of mine also has landlord issues and it doesn't seem right :\

I wanted to be an attorney at one point in my life.
Kinda gave up on it, though for a few reasons.

I really like making fanart. I used to be too scared to do it because I thought I'd suck at it xD;
I make chibis a lot.
I need to make non-chibi art but they're so fun to draw.

Ah, yeah my mom is lactose intolerant 8u
She can eat cheese and this one kind of ice cream but definitely not milk.

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: The Coffee House|Now Opened
Posted: Dec 17th, '21, 12:25    


Joined: Apr 9th, '19, 05:59
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landlord issues are so common unfortunately.
we almost always have a bad one.

I've always wanted to be an artist. i cannot do anything but make art XD
it just takes a lot of practice and patience.
im still not great or where i want to be with my work.
i do mostly original art but i dont think many like it
or my style lol

i can eat other dairy things like yogurt and ice cream and so on. just not straight up milk lol

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 Post subject: Re: The Coffee House|Now Opened
Posted: Dec 17th, '21, 21:53    


Joined: Jun 17th, '08, 21:48
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To me, being a landlord is stressing but I'd also try to make sure everyone is okay and everything is going right.

Same. I come from a family of artists.
My grandpa sang and played guitar and had his own band and wrote his own songs.
My cousins could draw really good.
My dad could draw too.
I'd actually get upset because my art was so bad compared to theirs xD
I get frustrated sometimes. Especially if I have no inspiration.
It feels so horrible have no inspiration.

I actually worry about becoming lactose intolerant...

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: The Coffee House|Now Opened
Posted: Dec 17th, '21, 23:12    


Joined: Apr 9th, '19, 05:59
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Our first landlord was very sweet lady. But she ultimately had to sell the place
and couldn't afford it between medical and funeral expenses after her brother
had died.

And then our next door neighbor bought the place and did the bare minimum.
the most she did was buy us the cheapest fridge you can buy. but apparently can make the men fixing the fences from the snow squal to build her a patio so other neighbors can't see her...but not fix our windows...

I don't really come from a family of artists and don't really believe when my fam says things when I do since i firmly believe in skill and putting practice. Rather than raw talent or something. I do not believe in talent like at all.

tho i know my fam sees my cousin as the "real artist" who went to art school and only sees me as a slacker since I've never really gotten a job. But my mental problems could just...cause too much stress for me. Which is why i decided to be a freelance artist. and I wanted to make my career something I can enjoy doing.

But i've been drawing ever since i was a kid. so a long time. But i only began taking it quite seriously for...maybe 5 ish years. and last almost 3 has been my freelance journey.

it's not a big deal tbh. some lactose intolerant can eat dairy and just not milk usually. I don't like the taste of milk and their are tons of alternatives now to milk. Tho cow milk is actually not that good for you. tho i prefer rice milk just because i prefer rice LOL

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 Post subject: Re: The Coffee House|Now Opened
Posted: Dec 18th, '21, 03:01    


Joined: Jun 17th, '08, 21:48
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That's sad :\
Yeah, that's pretty shitty xD

I've also never been to art school u8
Art isn't something you can just learn - it has to be part of you \>8u/
It has to be inside you \uB</
I can't get a job because my mental disability and I've been called lazy a lot.
People love throwing the word lazy around Bu
I fear I will need money some day so I'd like to sell art.
It just...is a long process.

I LOVE milk, though 8,u
I liked chocolate soy milk and chocolate oat milk was okay but I detest almond milk.
I love almonds but I hate almond milk xD

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"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

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