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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?
Posted: Oct 12th, '22, 12:18    


Joined: Jun 30th, '10, 14:44
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I just cut back on sugar, rather than cut it out altogether.
I got sugar withdrawal and felt like I was gonna pass out when I went sugar free. :mclaugh:

I'm supposed to be a on glutton free diet... I am failing at the moment. :mcheh:
Give me couple more days and I will be back on it :mclaugh:

/hugs amura thread

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?
Posted: Oct 12th, '22, 16:15    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
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I don't eat too much sugar. I'm a sweet tooth, that's true, but other than actual sweet trates I don't have anything with sugar in it (no sugary drinks, no pre-cooked meals which have sugars in it, etc).
So when I quit sugar for good I do not have any withdrawal symptoms.

That said I only do it when I feel poorly. Otherwise I'd rather indulge in the tasty treats I love :mcgrin:

You mean gluten free? Are you celiac or gluten-sensitive?

Or maybe you did actually mean glutton free. Sounds pretty awesome for a diet name, mind you, glutton free. "Hey, no gluttons allowed in here!" :mclaugh:

Gorgeous avatar btw, Happy!

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A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?
Posted: Oct 12th, '22, 21:57    


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Haha whoopies did mean glutton free haha sounds so funny tho now :mclaugh:
I'm sensitive to to many foods I found the glutton free diet worked the best for me.

But it's so plain and boring :mcsweat:
I'm also only supposed to eat chicken for meat or white fish so makes it really boring as I don't like fish much :mclaugh:

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?
Posted: Oct 14th, '22, 08:38    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
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Wow, it must be a pain in the ass, being sensitive to many foods.

I think I might be sensitive to some too, but my doctors won't hear me...
But I've read that autoinmune issues (such as my hypothyroidism) are often related to intestine permeability, which is caused by inflamation due to some foods.
I can't be sure it's my case, but it's something I've been wanting to look into for a while.

Have you found your sensitivities by being tested by a doctor, or simply experimented yourself to find what suits and what does not suit you?

And why can't you eat red meats? What does it have to do with the gluten?

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?
Posted: Oct 14th, '22, 15:26    


Joined: Sep 7th, '09, 21:03
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Amura wrote:Yes, I think it's comforting knowing that there is a place where you can go, and see familiar people, and talk about your life quite freely.
But life keeps getting in the way xD

Whoa, seems like you had quite a lot going on. It's great that you are seeing the bright side - sometimes it's so hard! - and that you have such good prospectives about your future.

I did quite well too. When I left my son was a baby, now he's 7 years old and I have a little more time to myself.
Found out that I had some health-related issues which became aggravated by pregnancy, but right now I'm checking up regulary and so far no procedure was required.
But most of the time I'm exhausted. Makes me feel quite old ^^;

If you feel like posting, now that the Candy Caravan mini-event is going there will be more people around. Probably.
I'm sorry for answering so late! Typing/Writing here takes a lot more time than I am used to and atm time is something I don't have that much...

Well, I always try to keep the positive things in mind but right now, it's a bid hard. Autumn and winter always take their toll on my mental health :mcheh: But there'll be a lot to do in the near future so I need to stay focused!

Seems like your hiatus was a bit longer as well xD And yeah, as kids grow older they're not as time consuming anymore and you get a bit of your freedom back!
I'm crossing my fingers for you to stay healthy! I have an auto-immune disease which needs to be checked regularly as well. It flared up a bit last year but my doctor and I seem to have it under control again :mccute:

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?
Posted: Oct 15th, '22, 09:43    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
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Yeah, my hiatus was quite long, when I came back I felt it all so different :mccool:
Thankfully kids do grow up - I'll never get why people miss when they were babies, it was SO MUCH work!
Now I really get to have some time for myself :mccute:

It's amusing how much of a difference the climate can make, how noticeably different we feel around the year. I suppose it's sunlight exposure or something.
But sometimes I wonder how it feels in those countries which don't have four clearly different seasons.

I think hypothyroidism is a faily common issue, and not a very serious one if you keep yourself checked. Bun on the other hand I often have the feeling doctors tend to underrate it, or simply give you some pills and not bother looking for causes.
I actually have an appointment with my doctor today cause my last blood test got some odd results.
My TSH is high too, for that I would just wait to my appointment with the endocrinologist but it's on december and I would rather know something about the other odd results earlier.

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. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Post if you need help with digging tasks
Posted: Oct 15th, '22, 13:02    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
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Double posting, I know. But this is a new topic, if you want to see it that way.
Seen newer users may be having trouble to get worms, and nectars, and maybe there is more digging-related quests in the event. So if you need help with them don't be shy and ask! :qh:

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Post if you need help with digging tasks
Posted: Oct 15th, '22, 13:31    


Joined: Sep 7th, '09, 21:03
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That's very nice of you to offer Amura :mccute: Luckily I got all the nectar I needed, because I have enough Air Knuffel already. I gave all my Knuffel away when I first left. So I need to start completely new now :mcheh:

Well, I'm not sure if I ever want to have kids. I love working with them but I'm also very happy when I can give them back to their parents xD
Especially because the first years are so exhausting! I mean, children can't do anything alone, they're completely dependent on you and only want their needs satisfied. They give a lot back to you, for sure. But I'm very torn on that matter.

For me it's definitely the sunlight exposure. That's why I often need to take vitamin D during fall and winter because my levels drop extremely.

I have a specific form of hypothyroidism, it's called Hashimoto syndrome and is an autoimmune disease. So I need my thyroid checked regularly. When it got diagnosed first I was in a very bad condition because my body already attacked my thyroid extremely. There were holes in it and I had to take a lot of thyroid-hormones to stop the progress etc. It took a few years for my thyroid to recover and I was very lucky it recovered at all. My doctor said in the beginning she was just hoping for the best and that I'd recover at least a bit of my thyroid. The chances of a full recovery were very slim.
So, it has to be taken seriously and I agree with you: Some doctors take it too easy.

I'm crossing my fingers for you and hope you can find a solution :qh:

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Anybody here?
Posted: Oct 16th, '22, 08:52    


Joined: Jun 30th, '10, 14:44
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Amura wrote:Wow, it must be a pain in the ass, being sensitive to many foods.

I think I might be sensitive to some too, but my doctors won't hear me...
But I've read that autoinmune issues (such as my hypothyroidism) are often related to intestine permeability, which is caused by inflamation due to some foods.
I can't be sure it's my case, but it's something I've been wanting to look into for a while.

Have you found your sensitivities by being tested by a doctor, or simply experimented yourself to find what suits and what does not suit you?

And why can't you eat red meats? What does it have to do with the gluten?
I gave up on doctors ..they just kept saying had ibs or stressed.
Paid for some private tests and the list that came back was crazy.

Didn't believe it so to took few more tests from other people...
Then doctors after I showed them did their own tests <<

I've slowly cut things out over time and it's paying off now
Been veryyyyy hard :mclaugh:

But once you get past 3 months without certain food I find I'm okay and try cutting somthing else.

In process of working out how to cut egg white out next I'm not sure I can :mclaugh:

It was interesting doing the test tho I'd recommend it to anyone just wait until there on offer and do it. :mchappy:

Helped my mum loads just cutting out tinned tomatoes as sad as she was to do it. :mclaugh:

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Post if you need help with digging tasks
Posted: Oct 18th, '22, 20:07    


Joined: Sep 7th, '09, 21:03
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I can understand that Happy.
We went through a similar process with my sister. She had very bad tummy aches and cramps, felt weak, missed school and got sick often.

The doctors at the hospital said she has one of two possible chronic bowel inflammations which could only be treated with cortison and another medication that would've increased her risk for certain cancer types extremely...

So my parents stopped the therapy there and looked for alternatives. Through my aunt we got to know a doctor who took a lot of blood from my sister and it got properly analyzed. The result: She's got leaky gut syndrome because of gluten intolerance and a few allergies.
So with the help of the doctor (she also prescriped my sister a few herbal dietary supplements) my sister changed her diet and is now fine. She has to be careful with gluten but that's very manageable!

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