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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Post if you need help with digging tasks
Posted: Oct 18th, '22, 21:12    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
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You gave up on doctors... and still take synthetic hormones, or did you give those up too?
What do you think, can diet changes be enough to get to a point where you no longer need the prescription?

I'm quite interested in finding out myself, but regarding tests I'm not sure which more would be interesting. Any suggestion would be highly appreciated!
In my regular blood tests I usually have TSH very high, vit D deficiency as well, but nothing else seems to be wrong. T4 for example is ok. But, yeah, I had to get some private tests before the doctor paid me any attention at all - and even now he always insists on how it's "subclinical" therefore unimportant :mcmeh:

Actually the reason I found out my fatigue was not "normal" was due a restrictive diet (I did a Whole30) because I was feeling great during the diet but after I reintroduced foods I started to feel exhausted again - even before I got my weight back!
That's why I asked for those private blood tests in the first place.
So I'm sure some foods affect me. Doctors - once again - say they don't. :mcmeh:

Miranda, it's great that your sister found a doctor which would really look into it and had useful suggestions! :qstar:

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Post if you need help with digging tasks
Posted: Oct 18th, '22, 21:24    


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I just don't get it how a doctor can say "it's nothing" or "unimportant" when it affects the patient! Even if it's not something you can see etc. I'm so glad I have 2 doctors who take me seriously with whatever conditions I have. They both look into it, take blood tests or send me to a more specialized doctor if needed...

And thanks Amura! My parents are really glad they listened to their gut feeling and searched for alternative methods. Many "clinical" doctors don't think outside the box and that's what's so disappointing to many patients.
My 2 doctors often subscribe herbal (not homeopathic) medicines or methods/medicines from different cultures.

For example, I could substitute my antidepressant through golden milk. I read about it and went to my doctor to talk about it. Depending on what you put in your golden milk, it can have a positive effect on people with depression. I wanted to try it (also because for some other reasons), my doctor approved of it. We took blood samples before I started drinking golden milk and after 6 months to see developments. Since then I don't need to take my antidepressants anymore and I got some serious health benefits from it!

I really hope your doctor will take you seriously as well soon enough Amura or you find one who takes proper care of you :qh:

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Post if you need help with digging tasks
Posted: Oct 18th, '22, 21:39    


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That's really awesome, Miranda.
That's exactly how I feel a doctor-patient relationship should be.
My doctors just ignore any suggestion I have to make, they just look to the blood test results and prescribe medicines.

I'm not against medicines, mind you, my synthetic hormones have been so very helpful!
I just would like to learn other ways to improve my health. Which may or may not be enough to substitute the medicine, but maybe reduce the dose or something. In any case it would mean the body is working better!

Making some changes in my diet and comparing blood tests would be great.
Having a doctor checking them would be ideal, but if my doctors don't cooperate I might experiment a little on my own.
I do my blood tests twice a year anyway, so I could quit sugar or flour or whatever for a few months in between and just see the results.

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Post if you need help with digging tasks
Posted: Oct 18th, '22, 22:45    


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We're on the same page regarding doctors, therapies etc.
Medicine is huge and important achievement. But sometimes I think it's also good to go back to the roots: Nature. I mean, there are so many plants and herbs that can help getting better/healthy again, as well.

I think you're considering a good approach. Maybe you could even keep a diary where you can write down what improved and changed. What maybe got worse and more. Things like this can also be really helpful!

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Post if you need help with digging tasks
Posted: Oct 20th, '22, 05:14    


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*Pokes in*
(I'm trying to get these post tokens but also rejoin some conversations since being AWOL for a bit so hiiiiiiii *waves*)

I also agree with not relying solely on medicine. Diet, exercise, and just connecting with nature can go a loooong way in influencing our health!
We fall back to traditional herbal remedies often for common ailments like colds and whatnot, and they've always served us well!

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Post if you need help with digging tasks
Posted: Oct 20th, '22, 19:22    


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I don't use a lot of herbal remedies.
I mean I do use some, but I've always been a healthy person and never learned much about it. Classic herbal teas I know - and use - but that's pretty much it.

So there is a lot I would like to learn.
But it's so very hard to find good information. Yes, the internet is full of articles but most of them sound SO unreliable. Based on hocus-pocus fake science and using fancy names just to hide that they are just trying to sell a product/program.

I just wish I could find a doctor who thought the same, it would make the process way more sensible.
Since I did not, I'm waiting to have stable medication and then I'll try to figure out something on my own, but I realize that's gonna be way slower than I would do with a trained doctor. Oh, well, beggars can't be choosers! :mclaugh:

And right now I'm doing quite poorly, I'm in one of my very-exhausted phases and during those I tend to eat worse than usual.
Which does not help me, of course, but it's easier to be sensible when I don't have chocolate in front of me :mclaugh:

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Post if you need help with digging tasks
Posted: Oct 23rd, '22, 22:31    


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Sorry for taking so long to answer. I don't have that much energy at the moment because of an depressive episode and it's taking a toll on me :mcheh:

So I'll try to respond at least shortly:
We often use herbal remedies (often also homemade) for colds etc. They help a lot and if I can get my way around anything else this way, I'm fine with it.

Since I started working with children I have 1-2 heavy colds per fall/winter. But I think that's acceptable :D

I know what you mean regarding information from the internet. It's hard to find reliable sources...

I'm really crossing my fingers for you! Especially with chronic illnesses or issues it's so important to have doctor who treats you seriously and informs you well!
Also, I hope you won't be that exhausted soon anymore :qh:

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ] ~ Post if you need help with digging tasks
Posted: Oct 29th, '22, 17:27    


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Don't worry, you may notice I'm being quite slow in my replies as well.
I suppose my stuff is taking a toll on me too.

Luckily I have a few days off, which hopefully will get me somewhat rested.
We came to my parents place though, cause it was my nephew's birthday, and the two little fellas playing crazily around is not the most relaxing plan you can think of :mclaugh:
But it's nice anyway :mchappy:

Right now both of them are out with my brother, which means I have some time for myself in my hands.
And I plan to spend it trying to get donuts! :mclaugh:

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A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Nov 8th, '22, 19:21    


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*rolls back in*

Oh, well.
Son has a fever.
Started yesterday. Today seemed to be feeling better, but now the temperature is raising again.

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. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Nov 19th, '22, 20:59    


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Back again.
Seems this thread is quite dead, but I'm posting just in case anybody wants to chat with me during the caravan time :mclaugh:

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