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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 2nd, '23, 20:23    


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Yeah i like the smell of the incense they use in the temple. I don’t know what scent it is but i like it. Although, it does cling to hair and clothes so i always have to wash my hair after hahaha.

Oh lool that’s funny and kinda cute, hahahah. I’m glad that you had an easier time sleeping this time.

Yeah i got one of the items with a free pass and the other from a quick trade. I’m glad i got the set relatively easy this time lol. Usually it takes a few more days to get it. XP

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 2nd, '23, 21:16    


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Oh yeah, I noticed that when I visited a few temples in Japan, they got incense too. I did visit one temple that I knew was a Buddhist temple because it had a giant Buddha statue. Like it was huge. It was actually really cool from an outsider's perspective.

Yeah I was telling someone about it and they are like "I'm glad she's going back to her normal self." LOL

Yeah I need to use my free pass on the pet...? Last years pet. IDK I haven't really been on DV like I should. I just feel lucky coming onto kofk and actually replying lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 3rd, '23, 03:50    


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there's different types of temples as well, just like how there's different types of...western?....churches. the main one we usually go to is a Guanyin temple, with the main buddha/goddess as Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Mercy/Compassion. :>

well i'm glad she's feeling a bit better. :>

the pet? which pet? XD uh. those north/east whatever shard pets?

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 3rd, '23, 16:00    


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Ooh, honestly did not know that. I like learning about this kind of stuff tbh, even if I don't believe in it myself.

Yeah...now if she doesn't need someone to be with her 24/7 that would be better tbh. It's starting to take a toll on everyone. I legit go to work, hospital, home. Maybe play a game for an hour then sleep. Rinse and repeat.

Yeah the shard ones lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 3rd, '23, 16:59    


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Yeah i guess its similar to how there are catholic, christian, protestant…whatever churches. I personally don’t understand the definition or how they’re separated. But…hmm…i’m actually not quite sure anymore. About buddhist temples. I was just reading up on both temples that i attend and i think there’s not really any difference, i think the main difference is which main bodhisattvas are worshipped and whether they have their own prayer hall.

Like one that i attend only during the lunar new year since its the closest to where i live, its a bit larger because it has a really large main hall, i’m not sure which buddha it contains. The other slightly smaller one, has several smaller prayer halls/prayer statues for different bodhisattvas and gods, like Guanyin (goddess of compassion and mercy), the Tudi Gong (earth god) and i think there’s a few protective/martial gods, as well as saints/monks as well. So yeah, i don’t know if there’s a difference, apart from which gods/goddesses/bodhisattvas are arranged in the temple.

Yeah sounds like ya’ll need to catch up on sleep. QnQ

I see. I think i’ve only gotten one extra for those shard pets. XD;; its too much work collecting them all.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 3rd, '23, 17:50    


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I don't even understand all the different Christian...devotions? I guess that's what they are called. I actually know more of Catholicism than idk whatever I was raised up in. There seems to be more mega churches around nowadays anyway. Which that's a whole different thing.

That is actually very interesting.

Dude, I am more tired today (I slept so damn well last night) than I was yesterday (with less than 4 hours of sleep)

Yeah no kidding. I need more turnips, but my birthday is this month so just going to wait for that to happen.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 3rd, '23, 18:09    


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Yeah i’m kinda boggled when i see all the…uh…different devotions for western churches? Like wow didn’t know there were so many. 8u

I suppose so. XD its a bit like the western version of paganism, worshipping different gods/goddesses/bodhisattvas. Buddhism is very different from western religions.

Lol so you’re more tired with more sleep than with less? XD;;

Hahah, i see. I’ll need more turnips too, if i want to buy an extra chest or pet.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 3rd, '23, 20:26    


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It's like someone tells me their devotion and I'm like ??? Does that mean anything different than the other? I know Southern Baptist are the worst! They are the ones that are extremely homophobic and anti-choice. Disgusting the things they do. And fundamentalist are kind of weird if you look into that one. I watch like ex-fundie videos where they explain how it was to grow up in a strict religion. Kind of insane tbh.

Honestly, it's like, people who are super Christian don't open their eyes to other religions, but I find other religions interesting to learn about. Honestly wouldn't be bad if people aren't always shoving their religion down my throat (aka Christians)

Yeah it's really weird. And I can't sleep in tomorrow cuz I gotta get up early to get Annika to the vet by 8 in the morning. Sigh. I could have waited for another Saturday, but I need to get syringes so I can give her shot so blah.

Yeah I might end up getting another chest lolol.

OH speaking of not spending anything on my hobby and that I bought that Japanese snack box subscription: Bought a new cross stitch frame that is kind of popular in the world of cross stitching. It's got a 4 month eta for delivery and it's coming from the UK. Sigh. I just hope it was worth the price (the frame itself wasn't bad compared to other frames, but the delivery was quite high). Now to just get a floor stand someday. Got a lap stand that's okay, but it's starting to hurt my back now. Not like I haven't touched my cross stitching in over 2 weeks now.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 5th, '23, 04:25    


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lol i see. yeah it wouldn't make much sense to me either. and i'm not very devout or religious either so i'd be like ???. i suppose its one of those topics that rarely come up in common conversations, just like talking about politics or insurance. xD;;

well i still hope you can get your rest.

niceeee you should show me what you got in your mystery box when you get it.
oooo a new cross stitch frame. sounds interesting.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 5th, '23, 21:40    


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Very true. The only time I ever talk about insurance is when I have to pay it or someone is asking around for insurance.nor work. health insurance and all that. That reminds me I need to give the dentist office my new insurance card. Completely forgot with everything going on.

Dude okay so I stayed at the hospital until 12:30 am this morning. And my mom was doing fine (we had a talk and she was okay with staying by herself) but sometime after I left she started panicking. So now we still have to stay the night with her. Yay! Not really tbh. I slept so good when I got home. Like my head hit the pillow and I was out.

Oh okay. I'll show you the next one since I've ate most from the intro box. What sucks is I was eating stuff little by little that some of the bags I had open had gotten stale. Still eating them cuz it's a waste of money if I don't. Still haven't really ate much from the side stuff I bought too. I've been eating so much fast food lately.

Random fact: two sausage and egg biscuits cost the same as a deluxe chicken sandwich meal from Chick-fil-A.

And now if I find time to cross stitch. Maybe tonight. I just might have to focus on one project I need to finish this year cuz I'm putting the year 2023 in it unless I completely rechart a part of it which I've never done before. Plus I had bought a pattern last year for my birthday I never got around to doing so I was hoping to start that this month as like a birthday present since I'll be using it lol.

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