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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 8th, '23, 04:11    


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LOL yeah if you're out for drinks and you meet someone new, the topics you should avoid are probably politics, religion and insurance. XD that will get people to avoid you like the plague lol.

gosh yeah, you must be so tired to just fall asleep like that. i usually stay up for at least an hour more before i can really sleep. xD;;

oooooo yay, i can't wait to see whats in your next mystery box! C:

Pft fast food be expensive these days...8u

Well i hope you have the time and energy to cross stitch. my sister bought one of those diy embroidery wheel things too lol. but then, like with most things, she's just left it lying around somewhere. dunno if she finished it lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 16th, '23, 15:53    


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Forgot to log onto DV on my birthday. siiiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhhhhh. So upset cuz I was counting on the turnips I got for that. I like logged in yesterday, remembered reading they don't send letters if you aren't on for your birthday, and promptly logged out cuz I was so upset. I even thought about it but honestly, my birthday was just...a day.

Yeah don't talk to me about that stuff and we good. Let's talk about dogs if we talk about anything lolol.

I should be getting it today? Funnily enough, I still got quite a bit left from the first box I am going to finish up before munching on the next box. Like it doesn't matter in the long run when I eat them tbh.
Also weird thing I noticed is that I can't really handle overly sweet things now? I had gotten the mochi daifuku thing (that idk why I'm disappointed the flavor is a paste like I wanted a piece of orange in it but that wouldn't work for shipping internationally lol) and I ate one last night and it was soooo sweet. I didn't think it was that sweet when I first got them.

Dude I calculated how much money I spent on food the past month between the hospital cafeteria and the fast food places. Over $200. And here I was wanting to save money (not like spending a lot of money of two cross stitch frames was saving money lololol)

Oh man, people be buying me embroidery stuff because I cross stitch, but embroidery and cross stitch are two different things. I really need to work on one of them one of these days.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 17th, '23, 05:24    


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aww i'm sorry to hear that. 8u

as for me, today was.....just too much. i just want to sleep for a week after today. QnQ at least its a long weekend because we have family day on monday so after tomorrow, no work til tuesday.

i saw it! looks really cool and delish! :>

wow, i'm sorry to hear that...D: its hard when prices just keep going up and no sign of it stopping...QnQ

oh yeah def, they look the same sorta but not? like what's the difference? like the framework and stuff?

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 20th, '23, 17:27    


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*gets on DV for the first time in ages* ooooh Sylvie's mine quests has been updated. Woohoo! Now to go finish maxing those friendships so when I GET ON ONE MY BIRTHDAY NEXT YEAR I CAN GET MORE GIFTS!

Oh, I wish we had something like that here lol. Well, my next holiday isn't until...May I think? But taking a week off in March cuz I have 5 vacation days left from last year that needs to be used up by the end of March lol.

Oh yeah. A lot more sweet things in this box than the intro box. I think I'll only snack on two things per night than 3, like I would open the bag if things were in bags and only eat a little out of it, but with most thing being sweet, gotta try and balance it out a little. But, I didn't get to eat any last night cuz supper upset my tummy and gave me major heartburn. I keep forgetting to take my heartburn meds so I'm almost back to constant heartburn because of that.

Yeah. Well the good news is my momma is finally out of the hospital. She has a private room at the nursing home for now. Until she can fully walk on her own (she still can't stand/walk). Hopefully a month from now she'll be able to. But omg the nursing home room she is in is like a time warp to the 80s. The wallpaper...it's clearly showing it's age. Which is weird because one of those rooms is like 10K a month. You'd think they could afford a little upgrade.

Embroidery is like long stitches, while cross stitch is making x's to make a picture. I can send you pics of my cross stitch? Maybe that will help you understand? I guess. To an outsider, it's all the same lol. But the embroidery book I got for christmas has black work designs that I can easily do (black work is when you take the thread and make a picture with just line and not intricate stitches like embroidery. I guess if that makes sense lol)

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 21st, '23, 01:17    


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lol yup, that was update so long ago. xD or well it seemed like a long time ago. xD

yeah i think family day is a canadian only holiday...and only some provinces celebrate it. xD;; i think. at the very least, i know that some shipping/post/mail companies won't deliver on family day in certain provinces but will deliver to others.

but pretty sure we'll have a long week off for march. so i'm def waiting for that. 8u

yeah my mom is very strict about when we should eat dinner. eat early rather than later and getting all food related stuff out of the way after 8pm. xD because you shouldn't eat 4 hrs before bed or something.

i'm glad to hear she's out of the hospital! although yeah maybe the home needs some renovations lol.

no i think that explanation pretty much explains the difference. XD iunno, long stitches sound easier than making x's lol.

i won a crocopip custom on DV! >w< i was surprised when i won tho lol. and the sweetpaca llama custom is also live for sale! C: there's also a contest thing for another custom pet that's currently in the queue. :> apparently, just drawing a picture will get you a participation custom reward.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 21st, '23, 16:13    


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PFFT I am still not happy about it, but let's start with baby steps and seeing updates lol.

Interesting holiday. I wish I got all holidays off. Yesterday was a holiday so there was no mail or anything. Had this one person call me and ask if I was still running checks even if there was no mail. Like uh, yeah, can't just not pay people even if I can't mail them out lol.

Oh, just because the company says so or because you taking a week lol?

PFFT I need to go back to fast. I used to eat between 11 - 7 every day. Lost a bit of weight doing that. It was mostly to avoid snacking at night and I'm usually not that hungry for breakfast. So fasting 18 hours was easy. (You should look it that because some people only do one meal a day. I can't do that.).
But with my Japanese snack box, it's gunna be heard to get back on that. Since I like snacking at night. I ate this one thing that said it was sweet. It was more bitter. It was matcha mochi thing (I need to look up what exactly it is). I had to put it back cuz I thought it would be good with some tea, but wasn't feeling tea last night.

Yeah, but now we need to get her walking. Her anxiety is really pushing her back because she's so afraid to stand/move. She said she was getting a wheelchair today so hopefully she will be moving more even if she's not standing/walking.
And yeah. It's like a time capsule when you walk in there.

Embroidery can be more complicated lol. Because there is more than just long stitches. lol. I like making x's. It's like pixel art imho, you making a pixel with an x.

OHH! Cograts. I need to get more potatoes tbh to before I buy customs cuz lolol, I forgot I bought those sake snake things from you. I was looking at my bank thinking I had more potatoes than this. Then I looked at my pets and was like "oh yeah." LOL

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 21st, '23, 23:59    


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Lol what’s there to be unhappy about? XD isn’t it the same as the other map updates? At least now you don’t have to go through so many NPC quests.

I wish i got lunar new year off but only people in china and stuff probably get that off…8u they get like…a week or something or another just for that lunar new year week…8u like how unfaaaaaair.

Because the company says so lol. Because i guess its a rule or something, people who are in this line of work get to have company-wide week long vacations or something…8u but you CAN volunteer to work during these “vacations”, like you’ll be paid and stuff, its just that you’re volunteering to stay at work. I know my other coworker in the office, who’s like the operations manager, he would “volunteer” to work on these week long vacations and it will just be another normal week for him. But like….UH i’m just reception and admin, if i’m offered a week long vacay, i’m takin’ it. XD then again, i hear he’s also salaried while i’m doing an online punchcard paid by hour thing so mehh.

No i couldn’t do that lol. If i don’t eat breakfast (which i only do over the weekends), my stomach will start cramping and getting hungry….and even when i DO eat breakfast 5 days a week, i would sometimes be hungry at like 10-11am….8u so i try to keep my 12:30 lunchtime so that my stomach doesn’t like…cramp inward or some other thing…8u
I’m not a huge night snacker every since my mom did her “no food after 8pm” unless its special circumstances. I usually keep an eye on the clock and if my hand starts to reach for a snack, i check the time first before i do it. XD

You can get her a walker as well, so that she can practice her walking too.

I see. Well i haven’t done it before. The only work i’ve done is like…darning holes in socks and clothes. And i don’t even do it very well lol, i just do it casually pft.

LOLLL hahahah. Yeah i just did an FR DV offsite trade for the Royal Phoenix. Luckily the custom creator was still active on the site, i just sent a PM and they said it was 2.5k gems on FR and a mirror for a Royal Phoenix. XD so now i’m hatching that.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 22nd, '23, 00:19    


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I'm unhappy about the birthday thing still. =/

LEMME JUST CELEBRATE EVERY HOLIDAY! Don't matter the original country, just lemme have a day off lol.

Oh interesting. I wonder if you'd get paid like overtime for that? cuz that's the only way you'd get me to work. Are you at least getting paid for it?

That's why it was 11-7 for me. Cuz by 11 am I am starving lol. Wow no, I always go for a bedtime snack. Not as much anymore, but like clockwork, around 8:30-9 I would want my bedtime snack. LOL. Granted I've been doing that more with the japanese snacks now.

Well, she needs to build up her strength first. They have this lift/stand wheelie thing they use and it takes a lot of effort for her to get on it, and then she just slumps over it for them to wheel her to like the toilet or bed/chair. She doesn't like it. Cuz she's scared. Which is all mental.

PFFT Yeah, me whenever I sew stuff together, like it'll come apart no matter how careful and well I tie the knot off. I need to resew the hole in my comforter from a manufacturing error I didn't notice until a bit after I had bought it. (granted it's falling apart from how many times I have to wash it. And then dry it in the machine cuz rn I have no where in my house to let it air dry cuz my sister's shit is everywhere)

OOOH *logs into FR for the first time in months* I got enough gems. Maybe I'll try my luck with that later.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 22nd, '23, 04:04    


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lol STILL? xD

pfthahahaha, if only. XD

i don't think its overtime. its not like this mini week long vacation is something that's been accepted all over canada like a national week long vacation lol. this is only within company so you can choose whether you want to come or not. xD me, i choose not to come. i need a week to just do absolutely nothing.

yeah but i have to eat somethinggg for breakfast lol. xD;; so its 3 meals a day, maybe a snack, as long as its before 8pm. pft.

well stuff like this takes time. like some people, after taking a fall off a bike or something, they might be scared to get back on again. so its a bit like...ptsd i guess. all you can do now is support her.

pft yeaaaaaaah that's me, all the way. whenever i darn a hole in a shirt, i just do it casually, i try to tie bigger knots etc etc. but i know its not gonna last long lol but like i don't want to get rid of a perfectly good shirt where the hole is like small and like.....maybe under the armpit or somewhere else hidden...like, it can still be worn! but i mainly only do this with like...lounge wear, indoor clothes. xD

yup! custom creator's name is Alanna on DV, Alanna06 or something on FR. just check out the Royal Phoenix custom (its like this gold bird pet), i bought one off her for 2.5G on FR plus the mirror on DV. and you have til Feb 28 to enter the contest for the Teacup Faun custom, the pet is already in the queue (#14 i think) so even if you might not like how it turns out in the end, its another free custom...:> there was a raffle/guessing game for the Crocopip during the lunar new year and i was lucky (ha) enough to win one of the games. :> i think the sweetpaca is only 200k plus a mirror? and i think 100k plus 2 mirrors, or 300kp (no mirrors).

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Feb 22nd, '23, 16:32    


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YEAH STILL! I have to use real money for turnips now! For next month. sigh.

I would choose not to come in if I didn't need money lol. Yeah, but it would be cool if you got some sort of compensation if you did come into work.

Oh yeah, I do eat something on the weekends, not a lot. But someone brought donuts today so I was like aaaaye donuts for breakfast lol.

Yeah. IDK what happened but I had to spend the night with her last night. Got like no sleep because I could hear every time someone walked by cuz the chair was next to the hallway wall. OH and then there was a old lady in a wheelchair in the hallway like singing right on the other side. and then when the CNA came in to do stuff with my mom, the little old lady rolled up and pushed the door all the way open. I thought she was rolling by so I was about to get up to shut the door, but my mom said she had an audience. The lady was just sitting there watching my mom and the CNA work on her. AND THEN the lady argued with the CNA about how she wanted to watch. Like old people. (she didn't seem to be all there tbh because she was still outside the door like 20 minutes later when I left)

Usually when a shirt gets holey they become pajama shirts lol. Well tshirts. Nicer shirts I try to mend and will stubbornly wear until I eventually get around to donating it if I stop wearing it. Or in the garbage if it's to far gone.

PFFT It's the teacup faun the one you said you needed to do art for? Yeah I avoid all of those now. lol. I don't even have enough potatoes for the sweetpaca. maybe soon. I keep spinning chance machines and wasting the potatoes I earn for the newer items lol.

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