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Body shaming of any kind is wrong.
But people have nothing better to do with their lives \8u/  44%  [ 60 ]
I'm sorry, I was too busy listening to something else and not listening to pissyass judgmental people 8u  56%  [ 75 ]
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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Oct 23rd, '16, 17:35    


Joined: Jun 11th, '10, 16:57
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I feel like it's not okay to tell people who are either under or overweight that they are beautiful and don't need to change. Their health is at risk and they do need to change. Telling them their weight is fine the way it is, is just deceiving and lying to them. Though I'd imagine they know their weight is a health risk, or at least I hope so.

Personally, I used to be underweight for most of my childhood, because I thought that was "pretty" but I barely ate, and if I did, it was shitty. That wouldn't have been sustainable at all. Nowadays I have a healthy BMI of 21 and I intend to keep it that way.
Don't lie to yourself or others. Too fat or too skinny just ain't good.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Oct 23rd, '16, 19:02    


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I am massively obese. It's not something I will tell people often as it's not anyone's business. I do have trouble loosing weight, there are days I don't eat much and I was a vegetarian for quite a few years. If you feel the need to come up to me and tell me that I need to loose weight or that I'm fat. Oh thank you captain obvious! I didn't know that. Thank you for that astute observation. I know skinny people who eat worse than I do... much worse. Worse is the whispers as you know I'm fat not deaf.

You need to love yourself in order to fix yourself. Fat shaming just makes it worse. Same goes with shamming skinny people.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Oct 23rd, '16, 23:00    


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I keep trying to lose weight, but I'm broke right now. If it's a choice between ramen or nothing, F it, I'm eating ramen. I know what I eat is bad for me, but I'm hoping that my fiance's business starts getting better and will make it all worth it. I work 40-hour weeks, sitting at a desk, and I don't have the time to go to a gym, nor can I afford it.

I'd like to get back to my college weight of 140-ish, but that's a good 50 pounds away.

It bothers me when other people comment on weight, mine or otherwise. Not everyone has the option to be at the perfect weight. I'm broke, nutritious food is expensive, so shut it. My work bestie has a stomach issue where, unless she eats small quantities of bland food, she gets crippling acid reflux, so she's probably about a hundred pounds lighter than me. She'd love to gain weight, but unless it's slightly salted baked chicken and rice cooked in water with no butter, she can't eat it. Peeps need to start worrying about their own lives and get out of everyone else's business.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Oct 27th, '16, 08:33    


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I seem to have the opposite problem to most women though in that when I look in the mirror, I don't really feel that fat? Until I see pictures then I realize....woah! I'm pretty huge :qwhee: .
I've never been bullied for my size and I've ranged everywhere from 248Ibs to 155Ibs. I'm currently on a diet now for my sisters wedding which is next May and I'm hoping to lose about 50Ibs before then, so far I've gone from 221 to 192 in about 2 months

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Nov 4th, '16, 16:20    


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I've struggled with my weight since puberty. I gained weight somewhat slowly over the years, but I was getting bigger and bigger. Over the last year, I started trying to eat less and drink more water. I know I should get more exercise too, but I get bored with it. I have managed to lose 25-30 pounds and now I'm stuck. I've been yoyoing the same five pounds for the last few months -- getting close to a major milestone, but not quite making it. Very frustrating.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: May 14th, '17, 01:32    


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honestly? body shaming anyone is a heartless thing to do.

now, that said, I fully admit that I am fat. I'm 5'7", and roughly 237 pounds (prolly a little less now, but I don't weigh myself except when I go to the doctor's office). I was 257, and over the course of about seven months, I've lost 20 pounds, because after I got treated for severe anemia, I started feeling up to just getting up and moving around more.

I recorded my calorie intake at one point, because a specialist said I was eating too many calories, but it turns out that I actually get anywhere between 1,000 to 1250 calories a day, because I'm kinda weird about certain foods (it ties in with me being Autistic, and having a wildly different food preference than the rest of my family). The thing that contributed to me being 257 earlier on was that I was consuming the same amount of calories, but because I felt so weak and could barely climb stairs without getting winded, I wasn't able to move.

Now, I have a favorite dress that is too big on me, same with most of my clothes. Since I'm able to get up and wander around the basement when I get twitchy, and I don't get winded from it, that's what I do. and it has helped. I don't have a target weight, or target size, because then I'd start obsessing over things that I don't need to be worrying about, but when it gets to the point that I feel I need new clothes because stuff doesn't fit right and I can't alter it to fit better (I'd much rather do that than go out and buy new clothes, because a lot of what I have fits comfortably), then I'll worry about new clothes.

But overall? I get up and move around a lot, I try to eat regularly, even if it's not always the best stuff for me (My family is a very meat and potatoes family, and I prefer stuff from all over the world, not just meat and potatoes), and all that matters to me is that I feel good. and if it just so happens that it means I'm losing weight? Added bonus. Haters gonna hate, no matter what, but they're not me, so who cares what they say?

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: May 15th, '17, 05:30    


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i'm 5'0 and i weigh somewhere between 80-90 pounds, making me underweight as far as bmi goes, but taking into consideration that i'm asian, it's probably... not true. bmi doesn't take into account genetic differences between races as far as i know, and my doctor also told me as much.

naturally, i never had to worry about being considered fat... i've got what you'd call thin privilege. i also have a ridiculously fast metabolism, so i lose weight without doing anything. my relatives always tell me to eat more, but i physically cannot do that.

i feel bad that i kind of take my thinness for granted, but at the same time there's not much i can do about myself, you know?

i think all people deserve to feel good about their bodies, but i don't know how effective platitudes like that are for actually helping the stigma against fatness and obesity. health is also another factor to take into account too, and i think people should strive to be healthy, but i don't think body shaming is the way to do it. i've seen people defend their insults using this logic and it's honestly pretty disgusting to turn a legitimate concern for another person's health into an excuse to be an asshole.

re: diet; since my family is asian, we tend to eat our ethnic cuisine which is much healthier than western food as far as i know. it's never been an effort for me to eat healthy because i grew up eating that way and i can't stomach anything else now- like, i straight up feel sick if i eat anything too sweet or too rich. i feel kind of guilty since i have it easy in that respect, but i think diet changes would be so beneficial to everyone. i don't think it's as hard to eat healthy as a lot of people make it out to be, because so much good food out there is also good for you- or at least better than other kinds of foods. but i might be biased because i'm asian, LOL.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: May 29th, '17, 06:19    


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I feel like I did a bad thing mentioning numbers. I'm sorry about that. Everyone is different and it's not good to compare yourself to others :/

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Jun 16th, '17, 03:02    


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Also, BMI doesn't take into account bone size or build. It was made way back when white men were the basis for health. I have friends who would be considered obese by the BMI standards, but they're actually just really muscular and not really fat at all. I have friends who are super skinny, and unhealthy as fuck because of various reasons, but they'd be in the "healthy" range on the BMI scale. I'm more than likely always going to be in the "unhealthy" range on that scale because I am a bigger gal, not just in terms of weight. I'm tall, and I have wide hips and a medium overall frame.

TL;DR: BMI is a bullshit way to determine whether someone is health or not.

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