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Body shaming of any kind is wrong.
But people have nothing better to do with their lives \8u/  44%  [ 60 ]
I'm sorry, I was too busy listening to something else and not listening to pissyass judgmental people 8u  56%  [ 75 ]
Total votes : 135
 Post subject: Weight
Posted: Nov 13th, '15, 07:09    


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I just saw this video about the skinniest women in the world.
I also remembered this chick saying if she was fat like Marilyn Monroe, she'd kill herself.
Wait a second, Monroe wasn't "FAT", she was voluptuous.
I remember having a conversation about how in older times, voluptuous women were sexy.
Now it's just being skinny as possible is what's right and attractive.
I've also seen voluptuous women labeled as "FAT".
To be honest, I very much prefer voluptuous over skinny xD

According to what I Googled, a female of 5' 2'' (my height) should be 99 - 120 pounds. The last time I was 99 pounds, I was like 10-12 xD
I did lose 40-60 pounds after highschool, and I was 120 - 125, and I was happiest then. Now I'm about 233 and I hate myself. I started drinking water and trying to go for a walk every day. I've also decided against buying so many sweets. I at least would love to be 150 by next year.

I have had a few girl friends who were skinny, and no matter what they did, they never put on any weight. So even if they don't like being skinny, they don't get much of a choice? xD

This is disturbing possibly, so it's in spoiler tag.
I saw this horror movie where this woman was obese, and she was on the subway and people kept saying she was disgusting and laughing at her and mocking her and such. Well, she went home and she literally cut all of the flesh off of her body and was basically a skeleton and then she died. It really sticks with me that a person could possibly be so bullied that they'd cut parts of themselves off just to be what someone else considers perfect.

What are your views on weight?

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A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Nov 13th, '15, 17:48    


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It feel like.. over here in North America.. the food is rich but only in fats and sugars and not in nutrients. So we feel unfilled, and eat more. It's why a lot of people living close to the poverty line in the States are fat. The crappiest food is the cheapest. Sugar turns into fat, and everything has sugar so concentrated it's hard to fathom anymore.

That being said, I eat like shit. Water is my savior. I also make sure I eat a good serving of vegetables every day. Gotta keep the train' rollin', even if it's packed with kimchi noodles and lays potato chips.

If it's at all possible, if you know anyone, with a dog.. dogs help motivate for walks. Significantly.

Erm, but I didn't really mention my own weight.
I used to deal with body image issues in High School (stopped caring immediately once out, go figure). I've been 5'6" since Gr. 6 and my weight has fluctuated between 115-140. I was a depressed mope and I ate shitty snacks to make myself feel better. Once I was out of it, I dropped to 115 and I rarely go passed 120 anymore (unless at buffet).
Gaining a taste for salads (super salty vinegary ones but still) helped, so did forcing myself (and I mean forcing) to drink water regularly. Now I opt for water over other drinks. It's a new me. It's really weird.
Also I try to eat foods that help.. clear the tract... like sauerkraut.. stuff like that. I'm gross, but the key to good health is a healthy intestinal tract, I'll tell ya 'hwhat.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Nov 13th, '15, 18:48    


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I don't pay much attention to my weight. I hit 5 feet 4 inches and about 115 pounds when I was about 12. I stayed pretty much that exact size until I was around 23ish. So I was wearing a lot of the same clothes. When I started eating healthier and cut out meat, then I dropped about 10 pounds. It wasn't a lot of weight, but it was noticeable just because I wasn't very big to begin with and my hip bones were really popping out. My doctor even said that I should try to put a few pounds back on out of the blue. I gained the weight back pretty quick anyway. Then, around the time that I turned 30, even though I started eating even healthier and mostly cut out dairy and eggs, I gained about 20 more. So I'm about 135 now. The only thing that bugs me is that some of my old clothes don't fit anymore. And it bugs me when other people try to shame others about their weight, or when people get all bent out of shape about weight, or when they think that weight and health are more related than they actually are. I weigh more now than I ever have, but I also eat better now and am more physically active than ever before. And muscle weighs more than fat too. So your weight doesn't even tell you that much about your health. I wish more people would focus on health rather than on what the scale says.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Nov 15th, '15, 07:21    


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Good points ^^^
I think the key is focusing on nutrition and exercise. I kinda got on a weird tangent and didn't really finalize that thought.
It's like the calorie-intake thing. People obsess over it, and I think that puts them in a bad spot. Stress will cause you to want to eat instant gratification type foods. I know this very much.
I also know that once you can get over the exercise hump, you'll find it really enjoyable. It's unpleasant for a good two weeks but your body starts craving the activity eventually. Plus the emotional and physical benefits are very rewarding. I'm not talking about feelin' hot. I mean the endorphins and the better-running-circulatory-system-and-other-stuff-too. Endorphins are ~~~~ very nice.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Nov 19th, '15, 06:44    


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Mm I think I've been 5'4'' since I was 13, and haven't really grown much since. My weight at that time was around 125 lbs, but after some years it just hovers around 110 - 120. I don't exercise nor diet, but I've noticed some years ago that I've developed a habit of not getting second helpings even if I like the food. It's weird but I think my kid self thought that it was bad for me to go back to the table to ask for more - either that or I was just too lazy to do so. The result is that I'm no good when people bring me to buffets P: I haven't checked my weight in months, now that I think about it.

I remember watching a video that trying to calculate your calories doesn't get you very far when trying to lose weight. Not everyone really enjoys exercise regularly either, I think? At least those that go to the gym and stuff. I dunno, the Philippines isn't as health obsessed as other countries, so we don't have stuff that dictate how many calories it is and stuff. Our food servings also aren't as big as America's, I think. I remember visiting there two years back and was taken aback by how big burgers and drink sizes could get. @ - @

tldr; I don't think about weight much haha

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Nov 29th, '15, 04:51    


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As far as just pounds themselves, my opinion is that people should be healthy. A little fluff or scrawniness isn't bad and each are attractive in their own way. As for attitudes about weight, I think most people need to get a life and stop being such a little over-controlling, anxious busybody about who's butt is what size.

I do monitor my own weight regularly. I can drop weight like it's nothing and I hope to catch it early if for some reason I'm about to lose ten pounds for no good reason. I like math and tables and stuff, so I like to play with all those little calculators from time to time for the fun of it. BMI, BMR, height-to-waist, all those things. When I found out women were compared to fruit (apple figure, banana figure, pear figure, and then the oddball non-food hourglass), I started teasing I was a banana that was pinched in the middle. ^,^

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Dec 2nd, '15, 02:16    


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5'9.5" here, most I ever weighed was 135
Then shut hit the fan so now I range around 120
I'm underweight, but my diet is so shot, I'm lucky to not weigh less than I do o.e

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Dec 2nd, '15, 10:08    


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I am only bothered by people who are super unhealthily skinny or obese. But I'm not hateful about it. I know that there are a lot of people who struggle to put on or take off weight. It's very sad. There are some people with disorders that make them starve or eat themselves to death. I worry for them.

I'm one of the morbidly obese people that have a really hard time losing weight. I'm seriously considering a breast reduction because it's supposed to help with losing weight. Like it makes it easier to exercise and it takes off a good amount of weight to start with. I have no idea what my breasts weigh but it's a lot.

I'm only like 5'1 but I weigh around 275-280 pounds. That's ridiculously obese. I'm super worried about my weight. I just can't seem to shed it. It sucks. But at least I seem to have maxed out my weight. I haven't been gaining anything. That's good at least. Hopefully I can shed a few pounds. I'd love to weigh like 120-135. Somewhere in that range. I'd like to either have a really strong body with obvious muscles or a slightly plump one.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Dec 13th, '15, 14:41    


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I'm 5' 6" and before I started taking Zoloft I was around 150, sometimes a little less. I'm overweight now though at about 185. A gained all of that because of my antidepressant. It has nothing to do with little exercise or bad eating habits...since I did both before Zoloft and I was never overweight. I think I may switch to a different medication. I don't want to keep buying clothes whenever I get bigger...it's not cheap.

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 Post subject: Re: Weight
Posted: Dec 15th, '15, 05:38    


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God I hate body shaming with a passion. I don't understand why people can't leave others well enough alone. Like, is it really your business?? You don't know that person, what they are going through, what they like looking like, what their body naturally wants to do.
After I started taking depression meds, I gained a little weight. I'm like 5'9" and 180lbs but I don't really look it other than the stretch marks. I personally feel that I look healthier than before when I was like 125. I looked like a damn skeleton then!
Yet some rude men have the damn balls to say "why is she wearing shorts doesn't she know she's fat?" IT'S 85 DEGREES OUT AND I CAN WEAR WHATEVER I WANT YOU DAMN TOURIST!

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