I've heard great things about coconut oil. The only concern I'd have is smelling like coconut, which is not really an issue compared to having dry as hell skin.
I frequent both of these reddits for advice, you might find something useful there, too:
I usually just use some key words in the search bar, or I check the wiki/guides they have linked. However, your case may require more help than amateurs on a forum. Hopefully there's something useful there for you, though. They have lots of advice regarding different skin types and issues. I don't know if you'll find your answer but you might find a few useful pointers. They're also great about directing you to budget friendly products. If you wanted to, you could try making your own post. They're really helpful, especially on SkincareAddiction. They live for it, haha.
I don't mean to come off as a patronizing, but do you drink a lot of water? Again I think your issues are deeper than just drinking water/using fancy creams but it doesn't hurt to stay heckin' hydrated.
Your best bet is probably the dermatologist but I thought I'd throw in those reddits, just in case you find something.