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I've been a shut-in so long that I find it funny when people freak out about being home a lot.
People saying they'd go insane having to be home 24/7.  16%  [ 4 ]
Had someone literally freak out after being under house arrest for months.  4%  [ 1 ]
I would LOVE to have to never leave my house.  80%  [ 20 ]
Total votes : 25
 Post subject: It's Not Mine
Posted: Aug 31st, '19, 05:07    


Joined: Jun 17th, '08, 21:48
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I'm a shut-in so my favorite place is in my room. If I'm not in my room, I don't feel as...welcomed? I mean I know I live here and we own our house, buuuut my room is MY room. Not OUR room. MY ROOM.

I don't like staying in hotels or motels or really even houses that aren't mine.
When I have to stay in a hotel or motel, I don't feel safe.
I want to lock the doors and pile furniture in front of it so I KNOW no one will get in while I'm asleep.
I actually lived in a few shitty motels because of my parents selling our house because of bad shit, so I got plenty of not having MY own place.

I've become extremely territorial too. Like it puts me in a rage if people move or just touch my stuff.
I don't have a lot of stuff, so what I do have is MINE and don't touch it UB<
I'm also like...one of those old crotchety people that says "Get off my property or I'll shoot you >BU" the older I get.
This is MY land and you can't have MY land.

Anyways, I used to go over to my friend's place and stay the whole day and then go home.
But I didn't feel right in his house. I didn't think his mom liked me, and I didn't like taking his food or drinks or even using his bathroom.
Because it wasn't mine and I felt bad or guilty.
When we went out of town to stay with my uncle and his now ex, I mostly stayed hidden away in their side room.
I had a tv, my drawing tablet and movies so I was good.
I'd go out and forage occasionally, but mostly stayed in that room by myself.
My uncle and his now ex loved having us over and they'd never be mean to me or anything, but it wasn't MY place.
Not MY fridge or MY food or MY bathroom.
I actually broke one of their glasses by accident and his ex was like "It's okay! Everything is okay! Just don't step on the glass!" because she knows I have an anxiety disorder. Still felt bad and I hid in the room the rest of the time.

Do you ever feel that way too?
I mean, people have never yelled at me or were mean to me, but it's just not comfortable xD;

(0) (0)

"I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)
I know you hear me,
I can taste it in your tears."

 Post subject: Re: It's Not Mine
Posted: Sep 1st, '19, 02:50    


Joined: Jun 29th, '14, 02:58
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I get uncomfortable in other people's houses. I'm always afraid that I'll suddenly get my period all over their couch, or poke a hole in it, or something.

I get anxious when people are in my house too. I'm always afraid a cat will pee on the couch and then they'll sit in it.

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 Post subject: Re: It's Not Mine
Posted: Sep 25th, '19, 05:51    


Joined: Jun 7th, '14, 11:45
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Location: bad mind
I always feel ill at ease in even my friends' houses. Like I shouldn't touch anything, because I'm clumsy at times and it's a liability. I've been yelled at and punished for breaking things or making a mess in my "own" house, so I'm always super anxious about spaces and things that don't belong to me. I guess that also makes me somewhat territorial, though usually it's more like...I'm scared of people taking things away and getting pissy at me for not letting them do that to me, so I yield too much space to them and then get sulky when they do end up infringing on stuff that is definitely mine.

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